I’m a fan, but this can’t be more true if that’s even possible. At least as long as Jann is in charge there.
I’m a fan, but this can’t be more true if that’s even possible. At least as long as Jann is in charge there.
Of course, Salman Rushdie wrote the lyrics to The Ground Beneath Her Feet as well, so there’s that...
Go to a U2 message board sometimes. The fans there make comments like this look like actual compliments with hindsight.
Rumor has it though that he was acting like Jerry Jones trying not to pick Johnny Manziel in the draft the whole time though.
Absolutely kills at their live show though.
“But as Kevin points out, they are trying to hard to be what they were, instead of who they are now. Rich dudes with great lives”
Unknown Caller was the primary example of that, I thought. (good music/bad lyrics)
That 5-year-gap between No Line on the Horizon and Songs of Innocence frustrated their fans to no end though.
Wow... pass me some of the Hatorade if you can.
When I put my hand to my mouth, that’s when I can tell it’s bad.
Some of the first few paragraphs in the post...
I read something earlier where someone was attacking her for saying just that and using it as a play for sympathy. Or for admitting to having a shot of alcohol, but “probably” having a lot more than that and how this was probably more of a regret thing than rape.
Don’t go on Twitter then.
The puns are already running pretty rampant on Reddit and Twitter, in case anyone’s wondering.
If one of the things that comes out of this whole situation exploding is that the lines between what’s okay and what’s not okay are clarified to a huge extent for most people, then I’d be more than fine with that. If it’s consensual and what not, great. If it’s not consensual or someone does take their behavior too…
And then they didn’t even regularly test for it until after the steroid scandal broke wide open 10+ years later.
I believe it was some sort of amphetamine substance too. During his time with the Mets, I think?
Holy cow, someone talked sensibly here!
.... and all these people are just setting us up for Hanks’ ultimate downfall.
I was expecting this at some point, so automatic upvote.