
Kinja must’ve changed more than just the comments section...

I sort of imagine Luke walking into the sunset, like Lucas said he wanted him to in the style of the old Westerns he’d watch.

Black Hole shot first.

Yet when Lucas did this, he was eviscerated.

What about the “fake” fadeouts, like the one in Elvis Presley’s Suspicious Minds? Or the “long” fadeout of Hey Jude? Is there a good one amongst the bunch or are they all bad?

So... he’s like one of the people in the aftermath of a breakup where they keep hooking up for some time after that? Interesting.

Overrated film. Lack of jokes aside, it took forever for them to get to the party, partially due to an unecessary cops subplot, and the period dance was gross.

Okay Terrell...

I’ll allow it.

My mother had a dream shortly after watching this when it originally aired, where a nuclear explosion went off outside her home, and she ran into my brother’s room to grab him before the flames or whatever got to them. He was 3 years old and the youngest of her three kids at the time. (I was born a short time later,

My best friend says that gave a middle school friend of his a literal seizure one time.

My friend who attended the same Guns n’ Roses show as me a few weeks ago didn’t go in until Deftones were almost done opening. She kept texting me asking, “Did they play Changes/House of Flies yet??” The one song she liked.

Woody’s quote in the series finale of Cheers had a bit of something to it...

While at it, I’ll affirm that it’s supposed to be Duck Duck Goose, not this Grey Duck nonsense.

I’m in the same boat tonight. Is there a way to see if we can view our ‘previous’ posts from Disqus through the Kinja account to see if they’re connected now?


I was waiting for this one.

I've never even SEEN Mad Men!!

Do… do do do.

This page finally gives out at 100k posts after people just comment on every new article here…