35 sandcastles

Where did I say anything about Girls? I want them to like, give storylines enough time to grow and reach a conclusion. A lot of balls get left in the air when you only get 8 episodes. 

masculine of center appearing person”

“. A stint in prison was always on the horizon; it was either going to be the result of getting wrapped up in the game, or simply being a black kid with the nerve to exist during the height of the War on Drugs.”

Wonder how the felt back when Warren Moon was tossing bombs everywhere with the old Houston franchise? 

Walking into someone’s apartment without their permission isn’t minor. Refusing to give someone their house keys back when they ask isn’t minor. Blatantly ignoring someone saying “hey, this only works for me if we just fuck, please don’t call me like a friend” and doing it anyway isn’t minor. Those are all red flags

I think rmlohner made a bad analogy and we’re missing the point.

He went to prison, I think he got what he deserved. 

John, I know you think you’re very edgy, but you’re just extremely boring.

I mean, you’re running around in all-black pointing a gun at people, this is what happens; it’s probably what should happen. Like, yeah, any time anyone is killed there needs to be a thorough investigation. But on it’s face, I don’t see anything controversial, here.  Are we supposed to?

It’s really not easy to rack up a bill that high for a custom shirt. Top-end cotton from Charvet or Turnbull & Asser are almost never more than about EUR1000 and the best silk (which I’m not even sure T&A do anymore except for white tie/dress) is around EUR1200. I think the only way you could be averaging USD1500 per

I think the plot to “own the libs” is proceeding apace if we are going to hunt high and low for any and every innocuous sign that someone is a secret nazi. This woman was sitting at a long-ass, boring hearing listening to someone get grilled. I am sure that her hands were at some point in several strange and perhaps

Please attempt to “randomly rest” your hand in the same way Zina Bash did during the hearing and let us know if it feels natural.

Not without some serious remodeling.

You mean like all the dead black kids who might still be alive if they’d just “Not acted in a ‘threatening’ manner around police officers,” or some other bullshit excuse? Yeah, every death is a tragedy, but we’re making a big deal out of one specific KIND of act of violence in a country OVERFLOWING with all manner of

She also looks horrible.

She just looks miserable all the time. This isn’t a comment on her physical appearance or clothing or makeup: I see her and she never ever looks happy. Hell, she never looks even slightly pleased. She looks like she can’t stand her job, her life, the smell of roses, anything. Can she smile? We may never know.

OK but here’s my question, why is a fetish a bad thing?

I DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW THEY WENT FROM “Take off the bandanna” to “Call the cops”.

I can’t even tell those blondes apart, and I’ve been white my whole life!

I don’t think they’re blind. I think they’ve evolved highly specialized vision. For example, apparently a Fox News viewer can differentiate all these faces: