35 sandcastles

Yeah, Ashley is referring to the threesome, which happened under false pretenses (the guys pretended not to know each other beforehand). But to me that feels more like manipulative behavior than straight-up sexual assault (correct me if I’m wrong). And that’s what one of the things I love about this show: that it

She was awful but this was similar to the Terry’s thresome in Italy. It was all based on false premises and it’s understandable she feels used. She not really wrong in kicking him out. She’s wrong in basically everything else (even her hair).

Hmm. I disagree with you on Awful White Lady, Ashley. I think she has no grounds to be upset with Kwame. It would be one thing if Kwame had engaged her in a relationship - at that point, using someone as an “experiment” fucking sucks and is a douchebag move - but I think both characters knew what they were about in

Sorry, but this is dumb nonsense. You have to disclose STIs and what your safe sex practices are in general so the person can assess their own health risk, but you’re under no obligation to proactively disclose the genders of other sex partners, and you’re under no obligation to correct someone else’s mistaken

From my female perspective, anyway, I am utterly baffled about the review’s take on Biagio. She broke into his home using a spare key (I count it as “breaking in” despite the key because she had no permission to use the key to enter his home). She was then obviously unstable to the point that he felt like he had to

I just wanted to say, thank you so much for these weekly recaps, Ashley. Reading through your analysis of everything has really helped me contextualize these jam-packed episodes better. I caught myself doing double takes and second-guessing myself with all the complexity Coel brings to the discussion of sexual

Can we all agree on one thing, that the parking space was Issa’s right?

While I agree that the show continues to underutilize Kelli and Tiffany and I would enjoy seeing them as more well rounded characters, I personally don’t give two shits about seeing Tiffany deliver her baby. How many labor and delivery scenes have we seen in movies and tv and how many ways can they possibly go? It’s

And now I want a series called “Better Call Maul.”

[Carrie] getting onto an American Air force base easier than you can sneak on a subway platform without paying”

Thanks for choosing Convenient Flight Recording! Where can we take you today? You selected “Listen to Cockpit Communications”. Do you want to a) play the file from the beginning or b) jump directly to the critical part? You selected b. Enjoy your listening experience! Make sure to check Convenient Flight Recording’s

Also, this is a ranking of the Candidates’ policy plans, not the candidates.

You’re referring to the summary of the plans and not just the plans.

All This. Warren just has her shit more together than anyone else. It infuriates me that this does not get more traction.

As someone here said last week. If they don’t stick the landing it’s the journey. That landing I think came very close. To humanize a superhero/god in the moments of death Manhattan/Cal was genuinely great and it was surprisingly moving. The mechanics to get there were fine in a kind of techno-forward dance club

No, nope and naw to all you who want unwavering support to everyone who calls themselves victims! This headline states exactly what this chick is pulling: a grift!

Really grateful for many of the commenters here. I felt like I was in Bizarro world reading this. I don’t see how anything Jamil said here was inconsiderate, privileged, racist, or wrong.

This. CupcakKe used her own platform to promote an unhealthy body image for black girls that will undoubtedly pressure some girls to follow suit.

Insensitive, yes - but still a sound critique: a famous person’s platform used to tout a potentially dangerous fast on a fan base that’s likelier to not know any better can still be fatal. Her not being black/not trying to understand some of the cultural aspects that come with our bodies does sting like hell, yes. But

I don’t think Lawrence was being wishy-washy. I think he was genuinely unsure about how to proceed with church (“I want to do this church thing, the people seem nice enough, the pastor’s corny, but Chad likes him and that girl says give it a shot, so...idk.”), and he wasn’t trying to pursue this girl. I don’t see how