35 sandcastles

counter point

It’s definitely personal. The cop beat him up before, then in the most recent video goes up and asks him for ID. He already knew who the guy was, he just wanted to start shit.

This clown ass nig... You seriously think you have a reputation to uphold? For real? You’re known for being an underhanded, self-serving, conniving traitorous hypocrite that’s more than willing to compromise your morals and integrity (not that you ever had any) to advance your own cause. You got wrapped up in the

Add Inside Man to the list as well

White people drunk or angry, “Im WHITE bitches give me all the advantages!! Fuck you, black people having to work 80 hundred times harder. Im freeeee...”

Naw. I am older than Charlamagne and I’m a damn woman. This was never ok, even back then. I bet she woke up out of her drunken haze and felt angry and ashamed, but shoved that shit down for two reasons. 1- She’d invested a year in his ass and wanted to believe he loved her. 2- You know what’s the worst thing for a

Charlamagne Tha God Admits to Raping His Wife the First Time They Had Sex

Like if he had robes and a Klan dunce cap on, would he have a case that you were discriminating against him for being a Republican?  

The existence of slavery in this country brands your republicanism as a sham, your humanity as a base pretence, and your Christianity as a lie ... Oh! be warned! be warned! a horrible reptile is coiled up in your nation’s bosom; the venomous creature is nursing at the tender breast of your youthful republic; for the

I actually love it when these weak pieces of shit bend over for Trump and say “Just the tip, right??” and he just plows it in and snaps it off.

“I shot a nigga in the face and rescued y’all lil’ bad asses from a kidnapping but you can’t remember to thaw out the chicken, huh?”

Sanders—when the owners of the restaurant were unhappy with your presence, were you detained? Did you have your body exposed for the pleasure of the Internet? Does an arrest record hound your chance for future employment? Did you at any time fear for your life? But then, do you agree with SCOTUS when they said that a

E- Luftwaffel Haus 

It’s the right to never, ever have to be confronted with reality. The right to never, ever be denied anything because of their own fucking mediocrity. The right to shit all over everything and everyone that is different from them, without consequences that range from losing jobs to losing respect and deference. The

I’m not apt to go with either, but if I were going to bother, I’d go with AMC’s.

“Because next week, I’m going to be standing in front of a broadcasting class of young people and some will be males and I have to tell them they have the same chance at jobs like those one as all others.”

And even, just for the sake of argument, say that white people did build those streets. THIS GUY wasn’t one of them. I don’t get to introduce myself as two time MVP because Steve Nash won the award. The idea that accomplishments of others are transferable because of white skin blows my damn mind. Additionally, if we

From someone who “knows how it is” and works in the business it goes like this:

The only way to stop a bad dancer with a gun is a good dancer with a gun.

It feels like, for the most part, the only people that died were