35 sandcastles

If your post had the intention of making viewers seem like idiots for continuing to watch this, you’ve succeeded. I officially feel like an idiot for continuing to watch this show.

Sooo many plot holes. If they allowed Dante to keep his phone, why weren’t all of his conversations being monitored. Soooo stupid.

Slumming Oleg: What does it look like in there?

It’s only a 7-year difference. Ronin can pass for 32. Don’t abandon your theory so easily. It would almost make all of this bullshit worth it.

I cannot stand that old trope that Black folk are locked into supporting one party. That’s such an insult. We are not a monolith and can think for ourselves. These blanket statements take away the agency of each and every Black person who doesn’t vote Republican. I mean the idea that the only people who aren’t sheep

Don’t go confusing Marines with you gun nut cowards. We chose to train with weapons because we vow to defend the country against enemies foreign AND domestic, with our lifes if needed. You probably wouldn’t defend this country unless you can do it from your couch like your boy Trump.

Take care — and don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!

Not sure if this is a Marine Todd style copypasta or not but still: You know that if you (try) to leave you don’t get to keep the bases or the marines right?

Bradley not realising that everyone was talking about him at tribal (until afterwards, I suppose) was my favorite part of the season so far.

Legends of Tomorrow is a gift and we don’t deserve it.

Armed all White compound in the woods....I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet they’re White supremacists

Pull back further, and that man is roleplaying in Deadworld, a subsidiary of Westworld. All of the dead show up in instant messages on Rick’s monitor telling him what a shitty player he is

Now hear me out. This gets kind of complicated.

Anyone BLACK! Not just anyone. Let’s not forget the white people suspected of doing some of the most atrocious shit imaginable and taken into custody without harm (even given food). Let’s not forget these motherfuckers who got into a shootout with police:

Giving Carrie a child was a massive mistake.

HOW DID HE GET THE FUCKING KEY??? Shouldn’t Maggie, you know, keep it in her pocket or something? So she always knows where it is? What, did she hang it on the key ring tree in the kitchen?

They’re REALLY pissed at him for kneeling. I guess if the NFL won’t refuse to hire him, then some cops are going to come after him themselves.

T’Challa only took one L. It’s not his fault that M’Baku got tired. You don’t hear George Forman saying I was beating Ali’s ass for all dem rounds; I just got tired.

Ah, just as we expected: an illegal Mexican Black identity video gamer.

“In my opinion, kids watch video games where they shoot each other and hit the reset button and they come back to life. It’s not like that in the real world,”