35 sandcastles

I think it’s sort of obvious why Deke is behaving more like a kid now than he did when he was introduced. He now gets to be a kid and he is experiencing—for the very first time—all of the things we take for granted. Imagine you’ve been deprived of everything you enjoyed throughout your entire life and then suddenly

Meh. I think you’re tripping. For starters I don’t get this Twitter outrage of being insulted every time an outlet uses a descriptor instead of the person’s name. The name only makes sense if we know that name. I’m perfectly fine with “Florida man...” 90% of the time because I usually don’t know who that man is and

“School choice” is a mask. DeVos wants to expand access to and funding for Christian schools, which advocating for “school choice” allows her to do. Mother Jones did a good writeup on this:

‘As long as he isn’t one of those TRUMP conservatives,’ and I definitely am not!”

Look, cults manage to do good work sometimes. They pick up broken people and put them back together, people no one else wants to bother with. That doesn’t make them not a cult. It doesn’t make the shit they spew true or not dangerous.

The sight of Katt Williams running down the street, with his short little legs, at full blast, in a robe... was hilarious.

“No, she don’t live here. I’m just fuckin’ the bitch. That’s the deal. No homo.”

But most of all, being a conservative means you can rest peacefully every night living in a fantasy world constructed from white supremacy and privilege

Yes, this one.

While the bar is really low Killmonger is far and away the best Marvel villain ever. Even if we ignore the depth of the character and the questions he makes us ask he beats everyone else by simply being a legitimate threat, something the Marvel movies have a horrible time doing for their villains. The fact that he’s a

Where did you see me say anything about hating Applebee’s? Where did you see me say anything about boycotting etc? Nowhere in the article did I say any of that, so what are you talking about?

Elijah’s full name is Elijah Bob Patricius Guggi Q Hewson. The Quincy’s nickname is Q.

True. I do hate Jake and have definitely expressed that in past discussion posts (especially during the never-ending flashback season). It gets tiresome talking about the ways these people are awful.

Also, I’ve hated Mellie pretty much since the beginning of the show. Mellie teaming up with Liv seemed like the only way

am i the only one who finds it wild offensive every time someone tries to project Good Laurel onto Eeeevil Laurel? Quentin is literally trying to replace his dead daughter with her doppelganger & it’s kind of gross.

And my experience is that a lot of white women treat valid reflection and point of view as being derogatory. It’s not about being negative, it’s about identifying a genuine factor in our feminist outlook. Self reflection and criticism is hard, but it’s absolutely necessary to the shared goal.

It’s weird. I don’t even know if victim blaming is the write phrase. But people can’t say “This is why Trump won” to the group of people who overwhelmingly voted against him. When someone plays that game with me, I just laugh. Black women keep doing our part and yet.

At this point, I think she or whoever manages her twitter account is just trolling people. Ivanka knows she is trash and she doesn’t care. The whole family is trash. They DON’T care. So intellectually I know that these idiotic pronouncements have to be answered and criticized but emotionally I’m feel like f@#k these

I think there’s just no point in doing so anymore. The show is never going to be objectively good again nor do I think it’s really trying to anymore so a conventional review doesn’t really work for a show like Scandal. It’s become a soap opera but with a bigger budget, a more impressive cast, and more storylines

She read as mixed-race Asian to me, but I didn’t hunt down her background because to me it read a little beside the point to me at the time (and, unless you can verify the subject’s race, it’s also the easiest way to make an unnecessary mistake). Her rant was clearly anti-black, and anti-blackness runs rampant in all