35 sandcastles

Dammit, white people, did y’all do anything?

Yup...it’s all you buddy. Those policies you implemented in 2009-11 seem to really have helped a lot.

She got offered a raw deal. I am not dropping Netflix because she walked away from a bad deal. She didn’t like and and didn’t take it. Asking people to boycott because you didn’t get paid should not be a negotiating tactic against a company that does not have to offer you a deal in the first place.

So at this point, we’re all in agreement that the solid first season was a complete fluke, right?

What’s amazing is that these people really think someone from Norway would want to come here. They have universal healthcare, gun control, generous family leave policies and their people are some of the healthiest in the world. What do they think America offers? A country full of unskilled, under-educated, overweight

Pence’s head would have exploded if only Pastor Franklin ended his sermon with this...

except i’m sure that the number of times people call her nasty names on Twitter VASTLY outnumbers the people she’s reached out to like this. And he didn’t do anything, SHE did. he’s not getting rewarded, she CHOSE to look past the nastiness and dig deeper, discovered someone profoundly in pain, and decided to help.

I know. My point was more that we’re afraid of men, not just cops.

Yeah, for a while there I thought Ali had taken my comment to heart that, with the number of comments often in the single digits (and with those comments often from people who haven’t seen and have no intention of seeing this show), we would understand if reviews were abandoned with no explanation.

(I had commented previously how I would have loved this finale to go down:)

Little kid is a shit, but the school shouldn’t be involved if it didn’t happen at school. Invoking the school for this crap is just a way for the parents to dodge the bullet.

Yeah...that only rates about a 4.0 on the Steve King racism scale

“There is no need for a predominately Black cast and crew to rely on vaguely Indian or Middle Eastern caricatures for a cheap laugh.”

Once I saw ‘D+’ I just knew this had to be a review for that episode with the exploding butt. I forgot until reading this review that is the also the episode with the creepy white dude at the art gallery. With those two things combined, a D+ is too generous.

I’m honestly laughing my ass off, because this is the most ridiculously wide gap between the pre-air review of something on this site and the actual reviews that I’ve seen in a long time. Did Ashley Ray Harris only watch the pilot or something? That first episode was genuinely good (the only episode of this show that

It is okay to be white Persson (no pun intended), as none of us were able to choose the color we wore when we entered this world.

Nope. This is a whole lot of bullshit. You know how many coal mining jobs exist in America? About 50,000. That’s it. For the entire country.

Then clearly your in the 53% of white women who voted against their self-interest

I actually really enjoyed Punisher, but what I didn’t expect and was weird to me is my cousin relating to Curtis and saying I would never understand. He served and while I watched a few episodes with him over Thanksgiving and Friday, he was generally in good spirit on how they show family (how close the soldiers are)

Absolutely, but here, somehow, I’m not feeling it as much as I expected to. The laidback, jokey scenes with his bff Billy, the guitar, the somewhat comfy bunks, and so on... it’s a far cry from the Vietnam hell comic-book Frank has lived through.