35 sandcastles

People who hang flag denoting rebellion against the state upset that the state won’t keep paying for stuff.

Yep, America.

You can’t separate a parent and a child because the parent is embarassing socially, nobody would have parents.

This show has become *hysterically* terrible. When they are down to having radioactive zombies eat the cartoon of a tiger to try and generate pathos, you know it’s over.

Gregory: please even though logic and sense and everything i have done up until now means i will inevitably betray you, against your better judgement and any bit of sense in your head let me in

I, personally, have been been too bothered by Morgan’s vacillating mental state because he’s been a man who exists in extremes since “Clear”. He tried SO hard to buy into the “All life is precious” mantra wholesale that it makes total sense that his relapse would be just as extreme. Morgan’s current disillusionment

Based on a few of the comments expressing these ashy mofos’ point of view, Russell is “stupid” for being with a woman like Ciara. What’s wrong with Ciara, you ask? Well, she’s “been around.” Meaning it’s known that she has dated actual humans besides Future and Russell. So he is stupid for acting that way over “that

IG has fantastic Prince pics on a daily basis.

I’m sorry y’all for going slightly OT and to;dr here, but just hear me out for a sec.

The fact that he attempted to either manipulate or intimidate his daughter with this “grand gesture”*barf* makes me 100% believe every abuse accusation his ex-wife has made against him.

With a gun he’d never shot before in his life.

If there was logic to this show, someone on Rick’s side would’ve killed him already just to be done with the Trump-level simpleton hypocrite. “If they take and kill, we end them!” exhorts Rick.

I quite like how this episode really just flat out states that Fitz has the ‘magic’ by being a good looking rich white guy. And it’s not saying he’s a bad guy - he’s a ineffectual manbaby most of the time for sure, but he was never malicious and mostly had good intentions (vs the many people born with said privelegge

It sounds like you need to purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka.

It moved so slowly, but, in the end, it had an important lesson: a black man cannot be heard without the approval of a white man. And that montage set to Heaven Help Us All? Too appropriate.

This is so exciting! I never watch Scandal live and so I don’t get to comment. I end up reading through the comments months later when I binge it over the summer.

She spent 8 years scaring old white racists about the “evil black man in the White House”. Fuck her and NBC.

we have the guests. we have all the best guests. people are saying that.

Arrow and the last couple of seasons of The Flash have this really annoying obsession with the relationship problem that seems to ONLY exists in TV shows. Specifically, it’s the “You kept a perfectly reasonable secret to yourself, so how can I trust you/that proves you don’t trust me” nonsense. It’s like a ten year

Ditka was 23 during the March on Washington. He had teammates who had segregated arrangements. He is being willfully ignorant.

I’ll stand by his Riddick films anyday though.