35 sandcastles

I just wish I had any idea why it was imperative for Carrie to dump her child so she could race to the hospital to do.....what, exactly? She’s not armed, or even a part of the agency. She’s miles away and she’s not going to get there before the agents in place* have acted on Saul’s commands. She’s traumatizing her kid

An agent told Carrie that he didn’t make it when she was on her way in. But that could have easily been part of her mental breakdown

PREACH!!! Every single word of this. Oh, the reason I vote Democrat is because I’m a sheep? And not because the GOP has been running Willie Horton campaigns since I turned voting age (the Southern Strategy was in place long before that, of course, but my actual frame of reference would icky extend to my voting years).

What, is she some sort of murder virgin now that she hasn’t killed anyone in the last 3 episodes?

Olivia to Mellie: I’m with you. I’ve always been with you. No matter what you’ve thought, I’ve always always always been with you. Even when I was banging your man behind your back. And that time I let you get thrown out of your home so I could publicly take your place. Aaaaaaand, I need to leave now, and this speech

Oh look, Jake’s Drunk Wife is suddenly a character again. And she’s concerned about their marriage. And his career. And her status. And she’s some kind of harpie shrew.

Built to be Command but not a killer? How is this possible. Command runs a group of vicious assassins. That make Command the HKIC.

I’m fine with it. I mean, I’m not pleased that a man, possibly having some issues, is dead. But I’m fine with how the police responded to his actions.

I’m not seeing it. Blackson called him a bunch of names, including honky, and tossed the N word around like a football during practice. They’re playing the dozens and daring each other to be ever more crude. Then Owen doesn’t even use the word himself.

Weird, because I’d blame the incident on law enforcement shooting another unarmed black man to death

Damn, that lawyer set her up her client up to be murdered in exchange for what, a handful of beans? He didn’t even threaten her life. Just said he’d rat her out and she wouldn’t be able of steal free health care from the government anymore.. The lawyer thought it over for a few minutes, shrugged and said, “whelp, I

Wow. Not only did I hate this episode, I mentally checked out ten minutes in. Started bad and got worse by the second. I even went ahead and checked out the review halfway through because I just couldn’t care. And I am stunned, STUNNED, that people in the comments are so in support of this episode. Different strokes,

No, THAT episode was amazing. This was trash

Dammit. It just got dusty in here

Love ya Damon but this is not how statistics work. Heck, it’s not even how anecdotal observation works.

Agreed, but that’s not what this post was written about. It was about what Manziel tweeted regarding this situation, and it was missing a key tweet from him.

So..........when do we get to the bad part?

You’d think that having survived years intl the zombie apocalypse that these idiots would have done basic anti-zeke protocols established by now. Like maybe not assuming the person in the bed next to you has the flu when they get feverish and start gurgling. Since zombies can’t even turn a doorknob, keeping large

My question as well. Study after study has shown that white people don’t care Scott about black pain. So much so that when a black man gets blown up on his porch they will construct a story about him making a bomb because.......some other person got served with a warrant at some other house, or something?

I had zero interest whatsoever and was just reading this to pass the time and then, AND THEN, you dropped this line on me