35 sandcastles

Did the military nuke every library in every city as a last ditch effort to stop the zombie apocalypse? If not, why would anyone need a hand written manual on what and how windmills work, how to refine grain, get water to crops, etc. Every bit of that information is sitting there in every library in America. They’ve

They’re still calling him a “serial bomber” instead of a terrorist, huh? That’s how I knew he was white before getting to the description of him.

Buuuuuuut, I’ve seen that meme? It’s been in several of my black Twitter/Instagram feeds? And pretty typical of what’s in those feeds every single day?

And closely followed by a man with a rifle, running in their direction, in the middle of a siege. Were they supposed to assume this was just an exercise run and hold their hands out for the dog to sniff?

Nah. This was a whole lot of words to say that you can like and support someone’s that’s disgusting for “reasons”. What even is this false equivalency with Conway and Sanders? Last I checked they get clowned erryday.

Kanye and who? What human rights movement are they leading?

So it’s Fox News but for black people?

No no no. Too late for this. Don’t see the pearly gates coming at you and then try to switch it up. Your reservation in hell is already reserved; embrace it.

I’m thinking that she’s going to need someone hacked and now she’s got rid nerd stereotype added to her rolodex

I still feel like I’m missing this story. If I’m pointing a gun at police officers in expecting to get shot. Maybe they shouldn’t have fired when they did, maybe not. But if I’m armed and threatening police officers with their death, I’m feeling like whatever bad outcomes occur are on me.

lolwut? saying you’re an “early riser” and then struggling with a 5am wakeup is biting off more than you can chew. saying you’re fluent in Spanish when you can juuuuust get by with a few key phrases is biting off more than you can chew. Saying you can deliver 30 MILLION hot meals when you have no credit, no staff, and

Thank goodness it was visitor’s calling hours at the jail when Ollie needed that favor from the Flash

I’m watching like, “is there no acceptable hospital in all of DC where a first Lady can get her breasts examined?” Hell, in all of the world? When they visit the UK, you know the Queen has that bomb ass medical plan.

I’m watching like, “is there no acceptable hospital in all of DC where a first Lady can get her breasts examined?” Hell, in all of the world? When they visit the UK, you know the Queen has that bomb ass medical plan.

I’m not even going to Google this because I need it to be true. I NEEDS IT


Truuuuue. I’ve mostly not noticed because the value set he’s trying to swap is “killing and robbing people is bad, helping people is good”. But after that he’s probably going to try to convert her to Laurel’s religion and start telling her what her favorite foods should be and what type of movies she’s into

I hate Jake too. I’m betting Ashley does too. We probably all do. This show is the Olympics of Hateable Characters. If a bomb exploded in the Vermont house this episode I don’t think I would miss any of them. I would assume our reviewer just doesn’t have the energy to express deep hate for every character she hates

Agreed. And I’d like to see what percentage of the students applied and got an offer for other tech companies other than Google. If most of them are now in high paying Silicon Valley gigs, then I’d rate the program as a success

They’ll only be in the minority if you subscribe to the “all minorities are a monolith that will stand firm against whitey” stance that everyone pushing that line seems to believe. Whites will still outnumber every individual ethnic/racial group by a wide margin and there’s been no indication throughout American