35 sandcastles

IN. I’m so fucking IN. Are two tickets to opening night included with the gofundme?

Unprofessional? Maybe. Actionable and worthy of a cash payout? I have to take a pass on that. Just quit if you get your feelz hurt. Tons of people have been crappy bosses. I may indeed be a crappy boss myself. But if they aren’t calling out your race, sex, orientation, religion, age or whatever, I’m just not here for

And if he’s never been, how would he have known?

If I was dating 3 different women and set them up for a completely HUMILIATING Thanksgiving dinner with my other fuck buddies, the forensics team would be trying to figure out which stab wound came from who by right-handed/lefthanded, angle of entry, and the height of the wound.

Ugh. I thought we put this show behind us but I guess it was just a holiday break. At least by posting today we can bury this dreck in 2017.

Yes, the school expelling her would be hard on the family. That still doesn’t mean the school needs to be involved. It’s not a school matter at all. Not on school property, not during school hours, not using school equipment.

I’m not understanding that charge that South Africa doesn’t represent the entire continent. Why would it need too? Fictional nation Wakanda doesn’t represent the entire continent of Africa either. He needs to ground his film in one place and time so spending most of his exploration in one geographical area probably

Caroline shines a light on an issue I’ve been having with GhostWife. Besides from just being a cardboard cutout instead of an actual human being in her flashbacks, she’s a hyper conservative feminine ideal of a cardboard cutout.

I guess it’s easier to believe that a political operative is running a child slavery sex ring in a pizza parlor if a lot of the political operatives you know are running child slavery sex rings

When did the left start shitting on laborers, skilled or otherwise?

how is Sbarro even qualified to be on any pizza list?

Surely there must be a way to corral zombies with noise without wasting ALL of your explosives, no? By the time the 5th bomb went off, I’m thinking they would have been better off skipping the zombie plan and just using all of the explosives on the Saviors.

On a full run? Hell, Darryl was scoring bulleyes while riding a motorcycle, leaning over while continuing in a straight line, and shooting backwards. Zombie obscuring part of the target? No problem!!

For all those that can’t understand why Fitz gets voted Most Hateable time and time again on a show full or horrid people, I’ll try to explain.

I enjoyed this episode riiiiiiight up until I realized that was Papa Pope on the floor. Took me right out of it. Couldn’t pretend that this show would go out ending ass the pulpy soap that made it popular instead of Garbage Black Alias. One mention of B613 and I hate everything all over again

And ONLY the approval. I was hoping Fitz was going to tie that statue to one of the Suburbans, put the young man in the passenger seat, and yank that bullshit down. At the very least, show up with hot food, a comfortable chair, and one of those expensive cold weather parkas.

I hear what you’re saying. And I agree, ALL of the characters in this show are absolutely terrible. So much so that I gave up on the show because there wasn’t anyone to root for.

Possible to get a restraining order against an ex president? Because that stalker ass lurking in hallways next to her door bullshit has got to cease

“Less Dull Survivors” absolutely slayed me

no worries, i caught your drift on the first pass thru. and let’s add No Black QBs to the list too. I guess Warren Moon going to play in Canada was Ditka’s wet dream?