35 sandcastles

“She previously acknowledged letting her colleagues and company down with an impulsive tweet.”

Now this is some quality trolling right here. All u other trolls need to sit straight in your chairs and take some notes from this gentleman. THIS is how proper trolling is done

Okay then. Thanks for playing

wut? ignorance is THE reason to fire someone. If that ignorance is public facing, wide ranging, humiliation inducing, and hurtful, that person HAS to go. Even in the off chance that it was an accident, dude was too stupid to live, much less work for the biggest sports network in the nation

maybe that time when he said there were fine upstanding people out there chanting hateful antisemitic shit? or not chanting it, but standing right fucking there, shoulder to shoulder with them, on TV with them, ready to fight for their side if it came down to it?

Not only are DJT and his mouthpiece openly and repeatedly calling on ESPN to take drastic action against Hill and muzzle anyone else on staff that dare speak out, we live in a time were this...

While I agree with your about a more diverse staff helping to ward off unintentional offense, you are being veerrrrryyy generous in assuming that copy writer had no idea that “chink” is a slur used against Chinese people. I’m willing to bet that if that writer’s history was searchable, he had never used the phrase

As long as she can stay within the bounds of the part you highlighted, I think it could be great. It’s just that it would be completely different from the character as she’s been defined up until now. If she no longer (currently) wants a serious relationship that could lead marriage then I’m all for it.

I agree with you in theory. But if it gets out that We Got Y’all discriminated against Hispanic students, it will look better if you organization to swift and harsh action against the person at the company that was responsible. If it looks like they swept it under the rug, they get a ton of bad publicity, lose

Why is Lawrence wearing that hot ass ribbed turtleneck sweater in LA?

I hadn’t thought about it that way. That could be it.

1) Issa was in charge and it’s the leader’s head that gets chopped off.

Agreed. Both the Molly and Issa situations seemed to unrealistically hit the reset button so we can do this whole dance all over again next season.

People share apartments with total strangers all the time in LA and it would make more sense to rent a bedroom than live on a couch of your on again, off again fk buddy. That would put a crimp in both of their styles. Plus her reasoning for not staying with Molly feels more like a contrivance to force another

I loved this season and was super excited going into this extra long episode but I’m sorry to say this finale left me underwhelmed. From the beginning, the editing trick of 30 Days in the Life of X took me from a place of feeling like I was experiencing a story (the way I felt all season) to feeling like I was reading

Or maybe people are eating more and moving less



Does Lawrence even know about her car? $5000+ seems like a very generous “thank you” gift to me