35 sandcastles

I’d be willing to reconsider my statement but I’d probably need you to explain exactly what you’re shaking your head about?

I’m incredibly dubious that Daniel came on Issa’s face on purpose as part of some master plan for revenge. The apology looked like a way to just try to get past it and smooth things over, and the “I guess we’re even” seemed like a poorly timed joke intended to keep things light. Since Issa had never given him head

Dro has a 20 year history with both Molly and her family where as SKB is basically a cutout that Molly brought along so she wouldn't be standing alone at a wedding (type) ceremony. It's not SKB's place to assume that when a woman indicates that she wants to be alone, what she *really* wants is to be pursued and then

"I might be dumb as fuck"

It's possible to believe in the existence of open marriages while still following the doctrine of "trust, but verify." Especially when someone says the sounds coming from outside are zebras, not horses. Just because someone tells me they are on bc and are disease free doesn't mean I don't wear a condom.

Can I state my personal experience? Or does your personal experience override all things?

But how was the sex?

All this. There are people in open relationships but they are far and few between. Most of the time someone tells you they are in an open relationship, their partner doesn't know about it and would vehemently disagree. It's just a ploy to get laid when the person you're trying to get some from knows that you aren't

Welcome to another episode of Franklin Is Too Dumb to Live

Stay away. It's not good and rapidly descending into terrible. Interesting premise and decent pilot episode but every following episode has been worse than the one before it. It shows a lack of direction and pacing that sows doubt about it's ability to right the ship (i.e a well produced show should have just left the

So much this. After last week I was done watching this show, but it's literally the only thing on my DVR. For my sin of trying another episode my punishment was watching Teddy do Teddy things for reasons the show can't be bothered to explain

In today's episode of Franklin Is Too Dumb to Live So I Don't Care About Him Anymore: For no particular reason, Franklin decides to challenge two armed men and then immediately find himself in a situation out of his control and barely hangs out to his life, due in no part to his own actions.

One word. "Apprenticeship". Nah. Act like she's stupid and then bring up that time she lost her virginity to rape

Yeeeeeah. I'm out on this show

That was awful. This episode left me with no one to root for. Or even root against. I guess I could root against Franklin because he's obviously too stupid to live. From walking around with two keys or $30k in his backpack to driving around with a passed out kidnap victim in his car without bothering to tie him up or

No lies detected


Like a Motherfucking boss

The best thing is that although I have zero recollection of this scene or line of dialogue, I immediately recognized the show and the character and was hearing it in his voice about 2/3rds of the way through. Well played use of ellipsis, sir, well played

Same. She's the most interesting character on the show and the thought of losing her made me question if I'd bother watching the rest of this season (I'm SUPAH lukewarm on this season)