Welcome to another episode of Franklin Is Too Dumb to Live
Welcome to another episode of Franklin Is Too Dumb to Live
Stay away. It's not good and rapidly descending into terrible. Interesting premise and decent pilot episode but every following episode has been worse than the one before it. It shows a lack of direction and pacing that sows doubt about it's ability to right the ship (i.e a well produced show should have just left the…
So much this. After last week I was done watching this show, but it's literally the only thing on my DVR. For my sin of trying another episode my punishment was watching Teddy do Teddy things for reasons the show can't be bothered to explain
In today's episode of Franklin Is Too Dumb to Live So I Don't Care About Him Anymore: For no particular reason, Franklin decides to challenge two armed men and then immediately find himself in a situation out of his control and barely hangs out to his life, due in no part to his own actions.
One word. "Apprenticeship". Nah. Act like she's stupid and then bring up that time she lost her virginity to rape
Yeeeeeah. I'm out on this show
That was awful. This episode left me with no one to root for. Or even root against. I guess I could root against Franklin because he's obviously too stupid to live. From walking around with two keys or $30k in his backpack to driving around with a passed out kidnap victim in his car without bothering to tie him up or…
No lies detected
Like a Motherfucking boss
The best thing is that although I have zero recollection of this scene or line of dialogue, I immediately recognized the show and the character and was hearing it in his voice about 2/3rds of the way through. Well played use of ellipsis, sir, well played
Same. She's the most interesting character on the show and the thought of losing her made me question if I'd bother watching the rest of this season (I'm SUPAH lukewarm on this season)
While every word you said is true, the leader that can influence part is the exact reason I leave him behind. He's so powerful that not only can be lead the scrubs into a certain death for all trying to take over the hatch, he can also convince Clarke to go against her better judgment and sneak into the hatch and lock…
For the life of me I can't understand why Jaha is on the list. He seriously needs a bullet to the head. He's nothing but trouble and a serious mutiny risk any time he's out voted or overruled
"Digging my way to the ancient ruins, hacking past the crazy cobwebs and snakes and shit, hoping my face doesn't melt when I open her up"
to be fair, i'm not sure how any person that was left out of that challenge was supposed to see that idol. it was in plain view of the camera, but not anywhere the person sitting on a bench floating in the ocean is going to direct their gaze. It was basically a set up to mock whoever happened to be there. Micheala…
We have a winner!
Was that the episode where he shot the love of his life in cold blood so he could prove a point?
That was almost me. I turned this episode off with 17 minutes left. I thought about forwarding to the last 3 minutes to see whatever twist they world throw, but……I just couldn't care. Olivia whining to everyone that her feelz is why Cyrus, a man that had his husband murdered, should be the best president just did me…
Yeeeeeah, they lost me when a city lawyer plugged that drive into a non air gapped computer. What, he can read code now? There was no reason for him to do anything but call in an expert.