
On my XJ, if it hadn’t been for the carpet, I’d have had all my stuff fall out through the holes rusted in the floorboards.

Yeah! Who needs a catalytic converter? Or unleaded gasoline for that matter? If the gosh darn gubment would stop taking away our freedom to breathe poison, we’d be allowed to drive around our Aryan oil burners!

those who are nonintegrable (did not happen over last decades, will never happen), support immigration of millions who also comes from society that is still in middle ages and totally incompatible with civilized world.

From what I can see in the pictures (second picture, he says the first was after assembly)... he didn’t completely undo the stake in the stake nut. I can see witness marks where it looks like he tried and he claims he did, but it doesn’t look to me like it’s completely clear of the threads.

old school awesomeness:

This is also the first time they’ve really made a hard marketing pitch outside of the UK (in the US, at least), so it’s a bit (lot) of an apples and oranges comparison. Hell, wasn’t season 22 (or maybe 21?) the first season in which BBC America aired the episodes within the week after they aired in the UK? Before that

Go figure.

Which also begs the question, how'd the truck driver miss the car it turned left in front of? Everyone seems to be calling for Musk's head due to this accident, yet not a peep from a majority about all the distracted drivers using cellphones in non-Tesla cars.

I never liked the cast. Other than Tanner Foust, I didn’t think either of the two other schmucks were actually “car guys.” And Foust came across as a jerk half the time.
The show should have had Jay Leno and Tim Allen.

Ugly? UGLY? You watch your mouth.

Now playing

wrong on all fronts, as someone from a Saab family I’ve driven many 99s, 900s, and 9000s. The 50/50 weight distribution of the 900/99 like the miata provides excellent handling, Saab was turbo charging 4 bangers back in the late 70s when Subaru wasn’t even a viable brand in the states, the 5 door Saab 99/900/9000 is

You know? Fuck no-fly lists. They’re pretty useless. I want to see the firearms equivalent of SIP laws. Nearly every state has laws in place to make bartenders culpable if they serve to intoxicated persons. They may not be well enforced, but they’re there and legal precedent.

How so? They have a front plate and it is no help since you can’t read it.

“If you don’t like red, no problem”

I don’t have any problem with driving a modern Cadillac. But I would rather drive an Audi, Volvo, or BMW.

Orrrr buy the Fiat and stop worrying about resale - since you intend to keep them and drive the piss outta them like you’re supposed to.

Every review of the ND complains about the amount of body roll. Stiffer than a ND doesn’t mean it’s like driving a stanced car over NYC potholes.

Your answer is invalid.