
But the small unnels have the huge advantage of carrying fewer people, so there’s lest chance you’ll have to sit near a pedo.  /s (in case that’s not obvious)

That article has no real conclusions about why it costs more. It really shouldn’t be htat hard to figure out the major reasons. Do the inputs (labor, concrete machinery, etc.) cost more? Do we use more of them? Do we invest more in preventing harm to adjoining buildings? Do we spend more to comply with seismic or fire

Nah.  The tunnel will carry so few cars it’ll hardly affect congestion at all.

Dammit.  You beat me to that pedantic point.

Umm.  I think electroshock therapy actually is helpful and even the best treatment for a very limited number of people.  It was badly misused, but that doesn’t meant that there’s nobody in the world who can benefit from it.

You must really hate Jack Black.  /s

Unfair.  I have seen nothing to indicate that the Boring Company is anything other than a mixture of idiocy, hype and misrepresentation, but Musk has been involved in the development of some things that very much do work, like Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy.  He deserves both credit for that and mockery for some of his

Colorado air gives me nosebleeds.

When you start a post “I can smoke any illegal mexican teenager...” we kinda know more about you than we want to. 

This is absolutely the correct read on this debate.

“If it’s moral, you should be able to define such that it could be legalized.”

I think Brodka is incapable of understanding that you can think it’s OK to do something without thinking that the thing should be legal or that nobody who does it should be prosecuted.  Civil disobedience is exactly the doing of illegal things to demonstrate your commitment to a cause.  Justifying punching Nazis

Our president was literally elected on a platform of irrational racist hatred and xenophobia. He likes white supremacists far better than he likes people who protest against them, even if the white supremacists have just committed a murder.  If he’s not a white-supremacist, he’s pretty damn close.

I am a fellow fan of humiliation and exclusion though.  I loved reading about Charlottesville Nazis losing their jobs.

“Please tell me what you are advocating for (and I will patiently tell you why you are wrong.) You’re kind of a condescending douchebag, aren’t you?

Richard Spencer: “Heil Trump” + Nazi salute = POS Nazi

Sorry to hear that.  The world needs more Nazi-punching marines.

Why didn’t anyone drive them?

Please die.

SWAT teams are generally used unnecessarily and typically tray ordinary apprehensions as military conflicts resulting in unnecessary deaths of suspects and terrorizing bystanders. Give them tanks, get more deaths and terror. No thanks.