
Risk is the best strategy board game you’ve ever played until you play literally any other strategy board game.

Rather than a dish towel, put the person who only partially unloads the dishwasher in with the next load of dishes. This should solve the problem.

English instructor. Uses ‘Distain’.

Jonah Muniz, Mabel Gondres, and Lorrie Pearson discuss their findings with local authorities.

Late lunch is the only answer. If you leave for lunch at 1 or 2, then you have less of the day to come back to. HOW DOES EVERYONE NOT KNOW THIS?

As a late luncher, it’s not about being too busy, it’s about hating other people.

+9.7 Wags Above Replacement

At some point in your daily online existence, while either participating in or bearing witness to some argument or

At some point, you have to [air horn] distractions to [booming PA announcer hype man voice] and [Jock Jams cut] and [instructions to make some noise] kick in the nuts.

New “You Can Play” promo: It’s OK to put your hand on another man’s shaft.

Yesterday at the rally in Battery Park after all the state and city officials talked, Tamika Mallory gave a fiery speech that demanded of them (I’m paraphrasing) “not only tell us that you stand with us, but show us that you stand with us.” I think it’s important to call and remind even your Democratic elected


he looks sick af what are u talking about

Big Paparazzi

This might be enough to cause the Chargers to bolt.

Analysis: how long since last defecation?

another poop-related question I have, though:

Cease Bowel Functions.

There’s a spelling error on the shirt: