
Rzepczynski of course went on to walk Danny Espinosa on four pitches, officially starting the Nationals’ death spiral.

....he was constantly on the phone with his girlfriend, Lennay Kekua...

Congrats on being right. I’m right sometimes too and man is it good. I’m right less than others, so when I am right it’s a good feeling. Hold on to this. It’s gonna be a good day!

God...I always fucking hated [MLB player]. Can’t trust that son of a bitch.

FitBit Charge HR because it is easy to use, does everything you need, synchs with other apps and phones. Have had it over a year without complaints, snafus or glitches. What is UP with that...oh, you didn’t ask for my LEAST favorite tracker? Sorry! Bought mine at Target.

FitBit Charge HR because it is easy to use, does everything you need, synchs with other apps and phones. Have had it

Everytime I hear the beginning of "Edge of Seventeen" I think "Bootylicious" is about to play and I get excited, then disappointed.