It’s a whole onion of variously nefarious behaviors. And having actually watched his therapist doc, I have no trouble believing he would have an unethical relationship with a therapist.
It’s a whole onion of variously nefarious behaviors. And having actually watched his therapist doc, I have no trouble believing he would have an unethical relationship with a therapist.
I don’t think any of us normies have enough pull to get a couples’ therapist to gaslight a partner for us though. That’s some next level behavior and to me is particularly egregious. I could see it being difficult to extricate yourself from a situation where an alleged mental health professional is working to convince…
He’s pretty well known for running hot and cold on people, and you can often see on the show that people don’t get second chances. It’s not a management style worthy of emulating so hopefully she didn’t adapt that (or the people praising her are the ones who’ve never been on her bad side).
Network yes; not sure how much of cable is union. They have separate broadcast contracts which aren’t up for renegotiation right now afaik but if the DGA were to strike, they’d still strike.
DGA directors do news and sports, which is why they’ve always had more leverage. Particularly in the middle of NBA finals.
Nah, he says he’s American in one of the answers
I saw a taping where someone straight up bombed for 15 minutes. I’m not gonna watch the resulting special but I do wonder if they ended up just cutting that whole part out or if they added laughs in post.
I honestly think the proliferation of these ballots is what made me stop watching the Oscars.
It’s honestly an insane take on his part and all his quotes about the boycott have aged like milk. But of course he’s not gonna go after Spike Lee or Ryan Coogler...
This feels weird coming from him because the critical reception of his projects has been, if anything, kinder than what they probably deserve.
There had been no black acting nominees for two years in a row and she was part of a larger boycott. She wasn’t the only person boycotting.
Yeah all the tabloid handwringing aside this is one of his worst specials. Either this one or the previous one is probably the overall worst.
Lukewarm take but a bunch of those people...did not deserve it? A restaurant like this has much worse clientele dining there on the daily than people who just seem to have annoyed the chef for petty reasons.
Same, same. Bad story, wooden dialog, the stunts sound cooler in print than they look on screen. I’ve never been this bored in an IMAX before.
What’s happening with the lighting here?
I don’t even like milkshakes but the Jack Rabbit Slim’s scene always makes me crave one.
Most of the early HW founders came from either vaudeville or the garment business IIRC.
I saw it in IMAX and thought it was so dull. Nonexistent storytelling, dull dialogue, and I found the flight sequences impressive but not actually engrossing. The ending was so predictable that it actually made me angry that it’s what they went with.
Entertainment in general was considered a disreputable profession until relatively recently, which is the main reason Jewish people were “allowed” to partake in it. Same with various areas of the law and real estate until much more recently (white shoe law firms thought it was beneath them).
A quick scroll through her Instagram shows she doesn’t keep Shabbos or adhere to any sort of dress code, but maybe keeps Kosher and definitely sends her kids to Hebrew school.