Since comedians -- including Seinfeld -- clearly feel that any criticism or even commentary coming from a “civilian” is inherently invalid, how else are we to tell how we’re supposed to feel about Chappelle’s set than to ask other comics?
Since comedians -- including Seinfeld -- clearly feel that any criticism or even commentary coming from a “civilian” is inherently invalid, how else are we to tell how we’re supposed to feel about Chappelle’s set than to ask other comics?
It’s the entertainment equivalent of “self-made” millionaires who go on diatribes about how hard they worked, etc., and you invariably find out that their parents gave them their seed money. No one’s saying it’s weird for your parents to have done that, but maybe consider at least acknowledging that your situation is…
I have friends with zero connections and it took them SO long to even be on the right track for those jobs (one’s in HMU, the other is a 2nd AD); meanwhile others just get fast tracked cause their dad’s in the union. And it is absolutely the same if not worse for actors.
It’s a huge issue with the union jobs in the industry.
I don’t think I remember a single thing about the second season other than Meryl Streep being in it.
People want him to face consequences for every Hollywood crime on behalf of all those actors they didn’t punish, and not just the actual thing he did, which he did face consequences for.
That’s not a hypothetical for me because that’s already happened and yes. And it was fine for Chris Rock as well.
And then what? He’d pay a small fine and walk, and people would still be just as mad about how there were no consequences. Should LAPD have roughed him up a little? Would that do?
I mean...what should’ve happened? Should he have gone to jail over it?
If he doesn’t identify as Jewish he’s not Jewish.
No one’s actually saying “can’t”. A bunch of people saw a trailer for the movie and booed it. You have two minutes to sell a movie and these actors didn’t.
The issue people had wasn’t that he chose one actor, it’s that it was all the actors.
If a conductor was like “this feels so fake to me, I’m not watching it” I’d totally get it.
Tar was great, I’m thinking of seeing it again. Hard to talk about without spoiling though!
Because the whole thing rang false. You can cast Anthony Hopkins in your movie, he’s pretty universally liked afaik, but if you want people to actually buy the performance (and movie tickets) probably don’t have a 100% non-Jewish cast because it was genuinely distracting.
The trailer for this got heckled at my screening of Tar; I think we were a predominantly Jewish audience. It just looked ridiculous. Someone booed when Anthony Hopkins said “mensch”.
Saw this trailer before another movie and it got straight up laughed at (and also booed a little) for its very noticeable absence of Jewish actors. They definitely made some choices there...
Pretty much! The higher the celeb’s advance, the greater the fuckery. Gotta recoup those costs even if you totally misrepresent the actual product!
This happens with a lot of celeb books. Publishers just want to sell books no matter what so they’ll pull the most incendiary (even if they’re only incendiary out of context!) quotes and send them around to generate maximum publicity.
I mean...his wife died quite some time ago so I highly doubt it.