3 Chars

Keep Kenan’s wife out of your dating pool!

Ok but was it Kenan?

I know a more recent writer and got the impression that there’s absolutely no reason for them to work the hours they do other than Lorne insisting on it.

At home you can probably swing it, but at a restaurant there’s so much risk for cross-contamination. You’re knowingly taking on a risk.

When you have an egg white allergy you’re generally advised to avoid eggs altogether because it’s basically impossible to completely separate them.

Being bigoted towards your own group is a really fun loophole. (We’ve got plenty of that on the Jewish side too, it’s just too niche for anyone to care.)

The quotes in THR continue to be batshit and are probably more of an embarrassment to the academy than the slap.

Didn’t she announce the end of the show well before the election? And wasn’t it because her head writer decided to be a rape apologist and she decided to end the show rather than fire him? This was JUST before MeToo iirc.

The screaming is fairly ordinary; it being due to the director disappearing from set is unusual afaik.

Didn’t they kill off Michael Pitt’s character on Boardwalk because he was a pain to work with?

It just seems like he’s genuinely not good at it and keeps biting off more than he can chew with the roles he’s getting and so he’s probably already exhausted by the time they start filming. He should’ve just stuck to bit parts and cameos.

Plus — and it’s difficult to describe because it’s so intangible — but not all charisma is the same; e.g., even among experienced actors, lead actors and character actors are charismatic in distinct ways.

But it’s not actually a roast and there’s a cognitive dissonance to this idea that an entertainer’s career is judged in terms of winning the Oscar (or not winning it, or getting snubbed, etc.), but on awards night they...insult them and the movies they made while sticking a camera in their face so we can see their

I would argue that no, that’s absolutely not the job, and the ceremony suffers when they decide that it’s the job.

I saw him on what must’ve been the same tour. At one point he went off on a prolonged misogynistic rant about his ex-wife that made everybody uncomfortable, but at least it wasn’t getting laughs and he eventually moved on. I don’t remember a single joke he told; nothing stood out.

The more he talks, the more it solidifies my opinion that the GI Jane joke was meant to be an insult and Will Smith took it correctly, if entirely too far. 

Given the jokes he’s made about her before I think you’re giving him entirely too much credit... I think it’s literally just lazy name recognition joke from someone who hasn’t even bothered to update his cultural references in 30 years.

That was my first thought, too. This feels like revisionist history where he might be seeing his father in a gentler light, having found himself in a similar position. Wasn’t his dad known for being abusive prior to the movie?

Does Chris Rock live in a universe where it’s perpetually 1998? And none of these jokes make sense either.

The Academy would like YOU to stop talking about the slap. I haven’t heard anyone IRL reference it in at least 3 months.