3 Chars

Definitely agree there, but there’s still a huge difference between a Pitchfork-style “what I did on my summer vacation” in lieu of a real review which is merely unhelpful vs. borderline slander because you have some sort of a personal conspiracy theory about a person involved in the project.

Everyone just desperately wants to have a take. I don’t think it’s any more ethically complex or dubious than any other random show, we just choose to ignore those same concerns when the network isn’t HBO because the presumption of exploitation is just kinda there.

It’s kind of a wild line of thought, but tbh I’ve been noticing more and more reviews that get weirdly personal towards the actors/directors/etc involved in a way that, coming from not quite a colleague but certainly someone in adjacent industry, feels pretty inappropriate. (My personal favorite it the kind where the

She was legally dead in California; her family/team announced it.

I’m surprised people aren’t aware of it just because it was so huge on Twitter for a day or two. But it was primarily about her saying some really inappropriate stuff about Will Smith’s son when she was in her 20s (?) and he was 14 that no one would think was ok if genders were reversed.

The bridge thing is more along the lines of the “normal” LA speeding problem IMO. There’s a lot of people who have sports cars and want to drive on the freeways and various other known stretches at 90+, thankfully usually at night. 

She had gotten into a crash and was speeding away from that crash when she got into the second one. That’s absolutely reckless behavior and so yes, we’re lucky no one got killed.

LA just had an absolutely horrific drunk driver crash less than 24 hours before this that killed six people; this sentiment is not that misplaced. 

HBO Max has 3x the subscribers, so more women watch HBO Max than Discovery in total and the comparison is not particularly meaningful.

Chris Rock publicly accused him of not apologizing to him directly, so I think it’s a response to that.

I...don’t think either of them would be a good Emmy’s host?

Justice for “Monkberry Moon Delight”!

The way I had heard it (from someone who worked at Comedy Central at the time), he didn’t actually want to do S3 so he asked for a big giant check he thought CC would never agree to, but they did. But then he still didn’t actually want to do the show and once they started writing the season it became clear that they ha

He seems like he runs really hot/cold on people, so if you’re his pet you’ll do well, but if not he’ll freeze you out. Which is not good management.

I don’t think this is strictly true; actors fight with directors all the time and dialog in the script can be clunky and there’s often room for spontaneity and improv, and it’s all part of the creative process — the problem here is that other actors (and everyone else on set for that matter) aren’t props and you can’t

I’ve seen two comedians get punched on stage and I’m someone who goes to a comedy show maybe once a year. The first time was over a decade ago. The Will Smith thing was actually pretty mild in comparison to both events.

It sounds like they’re in conflict over the jurisdiction (he wants NY, she wants CA) so that might’ve had something to do with it.

I can’t wait for business travel to return so we can have some normalcy in the cabin again. Sadly, I feel like the mask repeal is gonna make it less likely — what employer would be jazzed about sending someone on a trip just to have them catch Covid on the plane and then have to pay for them to quarantine in their

FWIW I was under the same impression (or assumption?) but I don’t actively follow them so I have no idea where I got that from.

The tabloids were the ones confidently predicting it would be the next episode of Red Table Talk. They’re kinda desperate to keep this story going.