3 Chars

I remember that Linda Tripp press appearance well enough to know it was on a sunny day and she did not in fact have a huge shadow over her face...

Plus wasn’t there a report that the ammo box was left unattended? 

Right, but an armorer is not camera crew. I don’t think there was any previous armorer on this movie.

I thought the armorer walking off ended up being a rumor and it was just camera crew? Can’t even keep up with the negligence anymore.

Don’t actors already receive weapons training for every weapon they’re handling?

Idk that it’s “not that unusual”; it’s definitely not allowed on set. My friend was working on a movie in an open carry state maybe 3 years ago (all union, ~20x the budget of Rust) and production had to send multiple reminders to the local crews to stop bringing personal weapons and ammo to set.

Co-sign on starting with the Chinese Restaurant. There are a couple of episodes earlier than that in S2 that I like, but that feels like the first “real” Seinfeld ep. S1 is completely uncharacteristic. (FWIW I rewatch it all the time and it never gets old for me, but I typically skip those early eps).

My SO has worked on sets with guns, and at the very least the armorer would come over and visually demonstrate that there’s nothing in the weapon to both actor & AD (and anyone else who needed or preferred verification).

It honestly looks like they breached every safety protocol. They just left the guns out on a cart and went to lunch??

Not just misfires — LA Times says a stunt double accidentally fired the gun twice after being told it was “cold”. Everything that went wrong on that set had already previously gone wrong on that very same set just days earlier. Nothing was corrected in response.

I found his original post:

Maybe he quickly fired multiple times before realizing anything went wrong. Or it could still be shrapnel.

I remember seeing a video not too long ago where someone was pointing a gun at Will Smith on set and he immediately took it away and disabled it — and thinking he was maybe overreacting but clearly he was right. A gun is a gun, you never know and there’s precedent.

Still, is it really as bad as Cry Macho??

It’s a shorthand for the whole gender identity spectrum.

I’m in NYC and every friend I have who’s worked in production has a story about them being so tired they passed out on the subway or commuter rail and ended up in Coney Island or Ronkonkoma or some other terminus they weren’t going to. At least one of them got robbed and didn’t even notice. I’m just thankful they

Just because the risk of cancellation is lower it doesn’t mean the gig is any cushier. Low ratings mean low ad revenue, which means they need to keep production budget as low as possible and cut corners whenever possible. There’s no way they don’t overwork their crew.

In my understanding his own production company makes them and delivers them to Netflix as is — so he does have full control. That’s not typically the case with standup specials because only a handful of comedians are set up to do that. 

This reminded me: the most absolutely unhinged person I’ve ever worked with came from Netflix. They were verbally abusive to staff and tried to justify it with “radical honesty” / “but that’s how we did it at Netflix!!!!” when confronted. What is going on over there...

I think she’s in Tribeca, over by City Hall hence the park.