Okra Winfrey

The double date on the very first episode smacked a bit of that, too: LET'S MAKE SURE WE ESTABLISH THAT THEY'RE STRAIGHT.

As Bill & Ted might say…

comma = "and"

Is it… a MANGO shake?

It's a mind-boggling confluence of quick wit and (the luck of) having an available pre-existing phrase (one that is actually idiomatic and in usage) AND tying it all to the previous reference to an uncanny degree, with perfect correspondence. I am gobsmacked.

da fuq. This is incredible. We're not worthy!!!

People sometimes use symbols rather than just draw, and, as in charades, there are ways to steer the guesses in the right direction via grunts and sound effects and such. Plus more overt shenanigans with the clue cards (!).

"(he always steals from me)"

My sample size hasn't been big, but in my experience people who are otherwise honest in regular life turn into raving cheaters during Pictionary. It's kinda awesome.

I laughed*, I cried!

Samoans are the Girl-Scout cookies of cannibals.

"In CCCP, comments get YOU moderated!"

Then we cut to another scene, of an asshole monopolizing all the brick. He wins, but is not invited over the next time.

Settlers V: Revenge of the Catanite

Roll a seven so I can steal that one.

If the joke bombs, I'll be mortar-fied.

It's the best smedicine!

Let's make it a brick joke.

You can always trade in four unwanted jokes for the kind you want.

I'm Boll'ed over by this revelation.