Okra Winfrey


Poor Let's (and/or Utz)!

Seriously. The handholding is a little too much. Even with the (non-VO) dialogue. I saw the log trick with the fire and I was like "Oh, cool, this means that—" and then the dialogue "explained" it.

"why does she need the cup if she was just going to toss it in the bushes?"


She also apparently got insta-skinny mere seconds after giving birth.

The bullet was "only" a through-and-through [sigh]. It "merely" hit muscle.

Clone-connectedness is so pronounced that it's *Helena* that always gets the munchies.

LOL. The scorpion is obviously Seth Cohen's grandmother.

And Inspector Gadget.

It's pronounced /sore-y/, you hoser!


Alison is 5'3", Cosima is 5'2". Yeah, Tatiana is THAT good.

It bugs me that she didn't clobber the Bad Male Clone a few more times before she tried to run away. People on TV do this SO often.

… and then she dried her fingers on a presumably non-sterile rag.

I think I heard "lambchop" at some point…


… unless Suburban Seestra is carrying them, in which case they are all equally light.

The ones Alison keeps in a jar on her nightstand.

An Alfa Romeo in old-timey Scotland? They'd burn me for a witch.