Okra Winfrey

Where do you do your banking, Braavos? The Iron Bank will have its due.

How fun was this episode!

Jenny, please don't grab on to the saddle while you ride; I very much want to buy into the concept of you as a badass, and letting go of the horn/pommel would help.

All I know is that those "Previouslies" are altering my timeline a little too much. Skipping them from now on.

So was that mostly (1) fanservice (bewbs!) or (2) necessary and welcome depiction of an act rarely shown on TV?

Murtagh mentions that his face didn't use to be so weathered. In other words, he's too old for this shit.

Alien Blessed Virgin Marys, amirite?

"You're a hot mess!"

I hope every season finale contains an inexplicable, "deep" scene of a castle-less girl.

(I am not joking.) I had a conversation with an otherwise regular person—job, a kid, social skills—who did not know what popcorn was.

A sort of hybrid case, maybe: the stage version of Jekyll and Hyde. The version I saw used mostly lighting and a bit of business with the actor's long hair.

Sometimes I hear an extra vowel sound in the way people pronounce Lorne Michaels' name when they're thanking him; it sounds almost like "Loren."

"Strays will return next week, I imagine."

Cue complaints about how the show has never cast an Inuit half-man/half-train person, just Caucasian ones.

Available on the Commodore 64!

How much does the actor playing a real person—a famous one, whose face is well-known—have to physically resemble that person? Are we talking Flashback Nucky Thompson levels of uncanny resemblance to Buscemi or Anthony Hopkins in "Nixon"?

It's racist to praise their eloquence.


"Fetch me a switch!"—Twist! She *is* the switch.

I'll get started on my Lruce Layne fan fiction right away.