Okra Winfrey

I got your Longest Road right 'ere!

I would say "time travel," but that's just going to make future hiati that much worse.

Oh man, am I going to enjoy your embarrassment when you realize words like that don't exist.

Maybe Sam could Leap into an orthodontist and save us from any further "Lisa needs braces."

Very little repeat business.

Further evidence of classiness: Our first answer was not "Old Mrs. Jefferson's vajayjay."

Look at it as the kind act of not leaving me hanging.

::flash of light::

Is this an "Angel" thing?

Watch how the comment pops up without acknowledging any of this fanfare of ours, like Jacob the Bar Mitzvah boy.

Man, Richard Belzer really does get around.

The swiss-cheese memory must make Leaping into comments sections rather disorienting. Ziggy predicts that there's a [whacks handheld] 67.3% chance that someone will mention Shia LaBeouf in this thread, probably twice in quick succession.

It was good to see the character get another side to him, not only in affect—the matter-of-fact way he delivered all that info—but in "realness" of content ("wrap it up," though couched in a joke, is pretty hardcore specific, as far away from that watering-can book as one could realistically get in those conditions).

Well, he did kill and eat Om Puri, so tag: he's it!

This particular "Filed Under" is hilarious.

Ha! Joke's on you because I don't have any fr—

I know misplacing a modifier is not the thing to focus on when underage rape is being discussed, but…

::IMDBs furiously::

Why did the Polak bring two friends along the first time he went skiing?

Would you ask Tom Petty that?