Okra Winfrey

… And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into hey nonny, nonny.

[in the background, a cigar-smoking Rich Old White Dude jumps up and down on a piece of plastic]

Well I hope he gets some good experience out of this, and maybe even some epic loot.

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised that Hugh Grant's character didn't try to steal his students' ideas. In general, I was a fan of the way the characters tended to be more honest and self-aware (and trope-aware) than strictly necessary, even if it meant that the dialogue was sometimes blunt (on the nose, tell vs. show,

Even in the slighter entertainments, the dialogue can be simple and yet sublime:

"Shut up and deal!"

1, 2, and 5 are stone-cold classics for me.

::is reported to the Catholic Legion Of Artificial Decency::

Sort of! He'll be an expert in aroma therapy.

Sure, but not to completion—the marshmallow is into edging.

"I think this marshmallow has gone off. Smell it."

What's your take on Disney's "The Sword in the Stone" (either as its own thing or as an adaptation of Book I)?

This is what happens when Hulk eats Thor.

"Knights of the Ground Round Table"

He's already played Henry the Eighth. Maybe he's going for some sort of king bingo.

I get Eric Bana and Billy Crudup mixed up sometimes.

[Corn patch sees Kevin Costner]
Corn Patch: "No, YOU're famous!"

It's inappropes to discuss tanning! There's Wynn Duffy bulge-slings involved, fer Chrissakes.

He also accepts "Breakfast Breakfurious."

He could move to New Mexico… and to the recent past…