Okra Winfrey

Oh. Lotta *stern* action then.

Ooh, twist!

I don't know if this fits the criteria, but that Pink Panther movie that was made after Peter Sellers's death was an abomination.

"The Descent" sometimes makes it, sometimes doesn't.

"Guys, it's just 'Creature from the lagoon.'"

"People accuse me of being negative just because I say 'boo' a lot."


Worth it for the produce alone.

Damn it, I told them to get us the chewable duct tape.

So in essence he now wants the prequel—calmer, limper times.

I think I had a similar thought at some point, that the show would pull a Terminator (or an Evil Leaper from "Quantum Leap") and have both a good guy (Cole) AND a bad guy hopping through the timeline quote-unquote "at the same time."

Ha: birdie. Nicely done.

Womack! Why am I not surprised, you piece of shit!

Right? This is ridonkulous. The only thing that saved the last one was the editing. I am positive that if we had *seen* Chayton walking away from a still-alive Hood, our bullshit-meter would have gone off like crazy.

I appreciated the episode's efficiency. No time wasted with hollow angst. Characters deduced things quickly and made their decisions. Other shows might have stretched out the decision-making process by dithering and stating the obvious.

For a moment there, I really did think that the show would send Cole back to Cassie's time and keep him there permanently and simply let events unfold. When I realized (belatedly) that the episode was, as you say, a Harry-Potter style time-travel story, I was a little disappointed.

The show made a point of having Jones (the German in charge of the time-travel machine) say that Cole would be sent back to a time right after his last visit—so it seems his relationship with Cassie will be kept (mostly) linear. I suspect this is largely for our benefit, so we can more easily keep track of the

The lead poisoning left them unable to go Number Two.

Is it your design?

Swimming pools aren't really known for sneaking up on people. Cost-benefit, it might just be easier for Possibly Irish to give them a wide berth for the duration than invest all that time in meetings.