Okra Winfrey

Whether he's blond or not becomes a non-issue!

I don't think we're supposed to quite know yet, but I'm guessing it's some basic thing like she has (romantic or saved-each-other's-life) history with Cole or Ramse. So Ramse knew he should kill her right there but kinda couldn't.

Oddly, she has appeared on"Arrow," which looks like it will run for a good long while, but her presence was wasted.

He's been playing for a while; it's an old sport.

"Nailed" it?? Gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, but this was suspiciously punny. If it was indeed intentional, I'll be very cross.

Summer Glau was a great Terminator.

The "twist" of the woman being a traitor was eye-rolling, but at least the show prepared us well. During her conversation with Ramse, each lied to the other pretty transparently, and at the end he sighed: they had each gone through the motions, but in effect the communicated thing had been "We're about to clash."

I was sure I was going to hate it, as a fan of the movie. It did not seem like a story that could be stretched into an open-ended (I assume) ongoing thing.

In the show's mythology, they originated as a knock-off of the wildly successful 12 Beetles, but then they went on to become good in their own right, and even got spoofed in turn by Weird Al on "Galavant."

I was the one who told you (will tell you) this very thing.

I sometimes get them in the main gmail tab, other times in Updates.

It spared *us* a lot of tedious skepticism. (Mind you, I approve in real life of a healthy resistance to nonsense, but it's annoying when the genre makes the notion an inevitability and yet characters insist on protesting.)


7 and 5 are both prime—but I'm not sure what "primary" is.

Mine is okay as far as that goes—but the gmail notifications are erratic: sometimes I get one, sometimes I don't.


"Once he successfully prevents the viral pandemic, he expects to wink out of existence."

With the show calling attention to our heroine's too-apt name via the episode title, I could not help but be reminded of "Mighty Aphrodite" wherein the actual original Cassandra is accused of being "such a Cassandra."

I'm glad the solar flares weren't used as an excuse for some trope-y bullshit like Cole gets amnesia and also develops some bloody symptoms that resemble plague. (Instead, he *used* the nose bleed cunningly to be *invited* in; much better.)

In his native land, Flaubert was actually known as Ze Absent-Minded Professor. 'Cause they use the metric system, see.