Okra Winfrey

Anson Mount was perfectly cast in this. He's got the hot Marlboro Man thing going (without, you know, the cancer). Oddly, he looks rugged-yet-sensitive with the beard, and completely weird without it, like one of those hairless tiny dogs. Most men kind of turn unkempt-looking with that sort of beard, but he actually

It's not fun enough or high-quality enough or a-combination-of-both-enough to warrant coverage.

Or something about split rail or rails splitting—this is hard!!

Maybe they could have use a dog breed as a title, everyone loves dogs, it's foolproof.

Baatar Junior: Head Boy.

It IS weird that after the hugeness of the monsters Korra has fought, a single human bender can stand as a legitimate threat. The show has done a good job of hobbling Korra enough (PTSD, etc.), but it's telling that it NEEDED to.

For a moment there, I thought the resolution of the battle would hinge on Korra staying out of the Avatar state and sort of "forgetting" herself; when Kuvira blindfolded her with metal, I thought Korra might fight blind and actually do BETTER that way. (I watched Bloodsport a hundred times as a kid.)

I sort of dislike encountering posts of the sort I'm about to make, but…

Selfie turned into L.A. Story so gradually that no one noticed :)

I definitely would have liked it if she'd been allowed to keep her accent.

It boggles the mind that no one involved even checks a friend to serve as gatekeeper for dodgy titles.

What would have been better? Pygmalion sounds stuffy. Would they have had the right to My Fair Lady as a title?

The jokes today are just killing it.

Do we have a sense of why it's "We're the top two strategists; let's fight!" rather than "We're the top two strategists; let's team up!"?

Soon we'll have enough divorces for them to make an all-star season of them.

1. Are all "Previously on… Survivor!" going to contain new information? (It seems this is the spot where the editors explain the voting from last episode, which was kept mysterious at the time for "suspense.")

Louis Jourdan, future Swamp Thing antagonist, was in that movie.

I wonder if the tantrums and (subsequent) uplifting speeches were mostly acting… There were just so many of them, all pretty similar regardless of which stereotype was throwing the hissy fit in question.

"And do it silently, like her father did"?

What does the H stand for, Alien H. Jesus?