Okra Winfrey

Clearly the more knowledge I pick up, the less I'm going to be able to enjoy TV and movies. The path from here is clear.

An urban screen.


Milioti is flat-out adorable.

She's good in Legend of Korra.

Any excuse to fondle Lois Lane.

And he gets to be [vaguely] "Strength" (good) while she is stuck with a weight-sounding one, in the (negative) sense of "you could stand to lose a few." Hilarious.

Well, they repurpose it as an actuarial app and make millions. Big Bird herself dies unexpectedly, however, from some sort of vocational irony.

Next episode: F is for Finale?

[Drunk-Uncle voice] Hello, Merchant. Maybe use all this HBO money to buy a COMMA!

Stephie clearly should've gone as Dead Mother.

Cristin Milioti was great in this episode at making faces in reaction to other people's dialogue. (The anime eyes help.)

"Anime Eyes" was the single best thing of the episode.

Got it. Thanks!

Apparently I need many more seconds. Please explain?

Is this a Garfield/Cohen/Bill Murray joke?

Is this standard Twitter punctuation? I can understand the three-dot ellipses at the end to signal that the story continues on the next tweet. But I'd honestly never encountered a TWO-dot ellipsis at the front.

I hope this comment doesn't bomb.

Isn't someone ever going to be a mole for the Mexicans? It would be delicious!

They learned their lesson and will add "of M.A.R.S." to the title this time.