Okra Winfrey

I'm very happy Eliza Coupe is headlining a show. She is very winning in this pilot. I was also pleased to see Ted from Better Off Ted.

The problem is that even if the spider makes her evil, it won't be character development—it'd be tantamount to being possessed. (Easy to reverse later, consequence-free.)

The lack of contrast tends to lead to unfortunate "my first mustache" effects.

Q: What's a henley?

I wondered how he even knew where one word ended and the other began…

Katrina communicates with Ichabod via SAMCROw.

I like to think that Tenzin belongs to all of us, but if you want to call him yours, that's fine.

Mrs. Penguin said "purse"! I'm 70% sure she meant it in the sense of vagina!

Ryan Atwood to Goat #2: "Welcome to the G.C., bitch!"

Are you saying that it really gets your—Damn it, I had something for this!

So, so bad.

I wonder who (of Alicia, Peter, and maybe Jackie?) is mostly responsible for naming her. "Grace" is an odd name choice—prophetic or ironic (in a house of heathens) or something. (Peter converted only later…)

(This is perfect!)


Isn't going up onto the roof (where he is visible) almost tantamount to stepping outside? Maybe he can't get grabbed, but he can certainly be spotted.

I'm certain he bedazzles his va-jay-jay.

Elsbeth, tentatively setting foot on a sidewalk grate: "I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. I will face my fear. I will let it pass through me."

Maybe they simply needed a shorthand visual so we'd know what she was smelling—the bottle shape is pretty recognizable.

Season 27:

Funny farm!