I feel like I want to learn more about getting groceries at a “party store.”
I feel like I want to learn more about getting groceries at a “party store.”
Drink bleach you cousin fucking rube
Welcome to your first comment, weird bullshit guy.
Oh my heck! I should’ve known you’d show up with a vintage lesbian potboiler for us. :D
The Wimples of Winter
Dear Scottish Rite Dormitory,
Get our name out of your goddamned mouth you cockwombles.
I hope these rumours of JW only doing 2 seasons of Who are false. I still think she has great potential to be a fabulous Doctor. I have mostly enjoyed the current series despite the varying script quality. Graham is a great companion and his dynamic with the Doctor is refreshing.
Just want Ivy to step on me
Friendo, they have room service for this very reason. If you can’t play by the rules you don’t get a free continental breakfast.
I mean, he is THE DARK ONE.
What if I stuff my cheeks full of scrambled eggs to eat later?
some point between 3 million and 12,000 years
Of course those tapes exist, OF COURSE. And they’ll leak, without question. And we’ll all get super giddy and lose our shit and it’ll be a super fun Friday for us all. But then nothing will happen and I want to die.
“If a woman needs to defend so fiercely the ‘one thing they can call their own—their body,’ then they shouldn’t be so careless with it as to have sex when they are not ready to be pregnant,” he wrote in the essay from 2004.
Um...a “concentration camp” is not the same thing as a “summer camp.” I doubt much happy learning, dancing and loving was going on at Auschwitz.
1. The story is not “centered” on two white dudes. Mark is an incidental character who connects the rest of the stories.
Also, I don’t know who thinks Larson died of AIDS or that he was gay.
The Maurine/Mark plot was based on his ex dumping him for a woman. And it’s well known that he died from not having health insurance.
Plus, the idea that the play revolves around Mark and Roger is a little reductive. It’s clearly an ensemble piece.…