
She’s also not wearing a wedding ring in the photo above. Trouble in conservative Christan paradise? (I know many folks don’t wear their rings; it’s just interesting that she’s so proud of m/f marriage, but doesn’t wear her sanctity band.)

Mark, as a former guinea pig-having adult, you are my hero and I love you. Please invite meme (plus 1 better half) to your upcoming nuptials; I give good gifts!! I apologize if I’ve ever drunken posted you.

I thought we all had delusions of dating Riri? No? No one else?

My mother used to wander around the house nude after bathing. (She likely still does, I’m sure.) When I was pretty young, I had nightmares that she would unzip her “naked suit” and underneath, she’d be a scary gorilla. I told her this. Hence, NOT fond memories of my mother in her birthday suit.

I find it amusing (in my experience, which pales in comparison to fighting cancer, being physically or sexually abused, or dealing with other adversities that have been overcome by the target population) that when I was at my strongest: leaving a very controlling husband with our special-needs son, I felt awesome in

I believe I can answer your questions, at least if it were to happen in my state (Washington). If the girls or someone else disclosed abuse to a doctor, that person is a mandatory reporter and would call Child Protective Services and/or 911. That would trigger a police investigation, possible prosecution at the

Congratulations! I'm your neighbor, just across the pond, and I'm in my way to the same legal status! Cheers!

I can think of several reasons that this might not be a prosecutable case. You have a victim who may be now living in another country and unavailable. You have as victim who may have recanted due to family or cultural pressures. You have any witnesses at the restaurant who are unwilling to testify out of fear of this

Oh, honey... If I'd been there, I would have helped, plus I would have given you all the coupons in my wallet as a crazed (misdirected) show of affection. Lots of us have been there. Through difficult things. Please stay strong. We are all there to help!

This post completely floors me. I'm a tad smaller than you, but I would never guess that by your photos. You look really stunning to me. The surprise: either that's your great skill, my body dysmorphia, or something in between. Regardless, thank you, thank you. THANK YOU for this post. It's so incredibly helpful for

My plan someday is to have a decent-size herd of these guys. That I can rent out to folks in condos to keep their tiny lawns in check.

When my wonderful grandfather died, more years now than I can remember, I couldn't afford to fly to the Midwest for his funeral. But it wasn't for lack of adoration. I cried for weeks that I couldn't say that last goodbye.

I had this amazing week in London, several years ago. I was fortunate enough to be newly single, and poor enough that my ma and her husband took me along as a gift to me, and I also got to maintain separate lodging. Well, my mom's husband and I had a falling out during the trip, during which I declared I'd be eating