DownWithOCD, Countess Curmudgeon

I don’t buy crystals.

“When I started buying crystals, it was so out there. Not it’s trendy and everyone buys crystals”

That Brian Stelter tweet is exactly what I was looking for; proof that, as suspected, Donald Trump just completely made the whole thing up. The man is unhinged.

I think one of the major fallacies about this man clearly suffering from a form of dementia (among other conditions) is that he REMEMBERS NOTHING anyone tells him or that he reads. It’s clear he has is no longer able to create long-term memories. All he is capable of doing is reacting using very short term memory

Or who he even is? I promise you Dump had no idea who he was talking to beyond “Ireland” and “Prime something or other.”

“I love the gays. They have the biggest parades. Really terrific. Great on Broadway. I produced a Broadway show. It did very well. Tremendous talent. Ivanka asked me to sign some gay announcement thingy but Mike was terrible. Do you have a Vice President? I don’t like mine. I’m not supposed to tell you that, but you

Anyone else see the irony in Trump telling the gay Prime Minister of Ireland about the pretty Irish female reporter he’s currently ogling?

I’ve been saying Kamala Harris 2020 since before the 2016 election was even over. She’s awesome. I hope she’s president someday.

OK, new rule: any sitting government official who answers ‘I can’t recall’ to any question about critical meetings they had under 6 months ago they had should be removed from office, because they are either a liar or have mental issues that disqualify them.

Some of my happiest childhood memories are of playing with rusted out auto parts in an empty field across from my BFFs house. Zero adult supervision, sharp rusty objects, and even, one time, a cache of old playboy magazines that we studied with Talmudic attention. Keep the marsh open.

I got to see her live in the 80s when I was a teenager. She blew my mind. I love her.

Because women. Gay rights include the rights of both men and women. Abortion rights affect only women. Who, as we know, can’t be trusted with their own bodies.

I am Irish- there is huge work being done here at the moment to try and get free, safe and legal access to abortions for all women. We would need to hold a referendum to change the constitution, as we did on gay marriage. It’s hard to tell from polls etc, but it looks like if we did have an abortion referendum it

What you’re saying is exactly why I believe it’s about oppressing women and nothing else. Why would the baby’s fate and well-being only matter as long as it can be used to control the pregnant woman and then not matter once its born? If a deity was compelling them to stop abortions it would also compel them to do

Ah. I see we have a devils advocate. How quaint. You are totally free to condone bollocks, but in the long run you’re full of shit.

Easy. I’m not going to pretend I’m not biased against religions, but I have no interest in banning religions or anything of the sort. Nor do I believe that one day, we will ‘evolve beyond religions’ as we grow ‘more enlightened’. I am not a believer in ‘rationalism’ either, which I’ve found, as you say, uses new

So, how do you reconcile your faith with those passages you mentioned? Or are you in favour of selling your daughter into slavery, and do you decry the heinous sin of mixing fabrics?

I’m with Tomuban. It’s obnoxious that anytime anyone calls bullshit on religion we get jumped on. Religion by default should not be sacrosanct and unquestionable in society (just as with any other philosophical stance or perspective). Secularism gives space in society for testing philosophies and practices that are

Really? Are you going to pull out that cry-baby line of the lefties being intolerant because they don’t like racism,too?

very possible....depends on you definition of that.