DownWithOCD, Countess Curmudgeon

Thank you for 46 minutes of glorious/cringe-worthy nostalgia. It was like going back to high school and art college without any of the drugs to make it bearable. I knew I called in sick today for a reason. (Btw, if you haven’t read the Illuminatus! Trilogy you are missing out.)

Do they get to use public money for that? Like, every 4-8 years the P/FLOTUS can spend like $100,000 of your tax dollars on curtains?

I barely make it out of bed these days and it’s hurting my marriage and child. No success story here.

Thank you for this! He’s brilliant.

Burrito soup? Fajita soup? Y’all got some fancy-ass soup flavours in America.

Is this the “disruption” I keep hearing Tech Bros talk about?

Smart and sexy. I like this Doug very much.

Would pay to watch this. Would even pay for popcorn.

So Rob Ford faked his death and moved to Texas? Sounds about right.

I’m struggling with this with my 5 year old. I come from very demonstrably affectionate people, and need to touch those I love. I want my daughter to have bodily agency and even her super huggy-kissy-pinchy Gramma tells her she doesn’t have to hug her if she doesn’t want. But I’m afraid she’ll cut me off! I guess

Conservative crackpots tend to breed at an alarming rate. Then they home-school and indoctrinate their spawn. They are building an army.

“We rooted our craft into native Instagram content and user habits,” he explains, “building an acquisition strategy around four pillars: content, hashtags, bots and a KOL [key opinion leader] strategy.”

Backpfeifengesicht (German) Means: A face badly in need of a fist.

Separated at birth.

I was paying $13,000 CAD per year. My income was about $40,000 during those years (it’s lower now, btw, but we’ve graduated to before and after school care, so it works out). Our mortgage was about 17,000/year, for reference.

Four or five years, apparently. I think I wasn’t grey in the beginning, but after the switch to Kinja, I haven’t been able to get out.

We have a winner!

As the mother of a 4-year-old daughter whose two favourite things are MLP and the word “butt”, I am so glad we’re an Android household.

Take Junior to the hospital??? FFS.

How is it I’ve been alive for 41 years and not know the portmanteau “vagenda”? It’s perfect.