What is this?!?! A bed for ants?
What is this?!?! A bed for ants?
Last of Us for the fucking win.
I see that shit all the time.
First sentence
Thank you for your voice of reason.
Sorry to hear about that bootstrap mentality they had. It seems so cruel to do that to one's children in the name of...I don't even know what it is supposed to teach.
She has never liked the idea of the IUD or a vaccine for it.
My 8 year girlfriend's ortho will cost $150 next month when she turns 26 and her parent's health imsurance expires. We pay $57 a month now. We're not refiling that prescription.
That's because they make more white men.
I want to know if she was disowned by mom and dad, or if it's one of those "you're 18 now, so bootstrap it up" situations.
My girlfriend and I use it for thai iced coffee because we just thought it tasted good, no idea it was legit. Small world. I think if I gave some to my Mexican parents they'd love it.
We having a Malamute party? Here's mine
I've only been to New Orleans once. That being said, when I found THIS at my local supermarket here in Chicago, I wept tears of chickory joy.
That pig's shit eating grin was the worst part.
If I remember correctly, jalopnik has done a whole article about Archer and the cool cars it often features.
I want the wagon to come back SO badly. Preferably affordable for my poor ass too.
Personally I think they don't do it because the turnover and burnout rate is so high that:
I didn't get drug tested when I became a case manager for foster kids.
No idea who he is, but that photo gives me a "serial rapist" vibe.