
I would like to believe this, but if that were the case wouldn’t she be using a more spirited defense than “I can’t hold my plate at parties?”

Let it go.

I got dumped pretty spectacularly, once. My ex-boyfriend’s birthday was four days later. I agonized very briefly over whether I should call him, or send a card, or something, to wish him a happy birthday, but ultimately decided not to.

The world is a terrible place.

Maybe if we’re lucky, next year will see Kara in front of the Shade Court backdrop, captioned

If harpo says no then it is law

“All attendees will receive a Certificate of Completion and Knowles reference booklet of industry definitions, contacts and additional useful information.

Step 1. Sire a talented daughter

I am completely skeptical about that part. (I don’t believe her lying eyes.)

I realize that Olivia realizes she spends all her time defending mass murderers (which kinda makes her a huge sociopath as well) but this Huck thing? Ridiculous! He’s so far beyond a serial killer at this point and Olivia doesn’t seem to care at all and she just brings him back to the office? Thank God for Quinn (I

Girl, I guess.

You know what I thought off when I read that quote? Rachel Dolezal.

Is that...

Be brutal with unfollowing and unfriending. It is possible to cultivate the best aspects of it.

Glad I’m not the only one. I don’t want to criticize, but the syntactical ambiguity bugs me a little.

This is academia distilled.

Stanford University:

I find the unrelenting passage of time to be alarming as well so I’m going to have to side with the police on this one.