Downton Flabby (the movie)

“I was literally covered in feces,” she told WBFF in 2014. “Are you kidding me who wants that?”

The core concept of the outfit was “a bodysuit, with variations

I’m literally dry-heaving at the thought of a dog licking any part of my body. Gross.

I hope someone fucks your children in the ass and makes them choke on nigger dicks

For those of us who were around and aware during his presidency, there is nothing at all surprising about this “revelation”.

Damn dude, you just took away my favorite excuse for not trying to do something new (“It’s too late, I’m too old to do that”)

Mr. Leguizamo acquitted himself nicely in this appearance, but it does make me a bit sad to see that Latinx people now feel that they have to appeal for or prove their worthiness to be considered Americans. Trump and his followers, rather than “making American great again” have really pulled this country backward.

This looks like an interesting site that’s going to introduce me to dishes that I never knew existed, while simultaneously frustrating me with the fact that I won’t have access to them where I currently live.

This is the only way I need to see Guiliani’s mouth... closed tightly and not spewing noxious fumes.

But insects may represent an intriguing new source of nutrients and flavor

Conway noted that “the Squad… represent a “dark underbelly in this country.”

I spent the weekend on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, a weekend wherein the Bigot- In-Chief revved up his re-election campaign by unleashing a racist rant upon four sitting Congresswomen of color. As I left the Cape, I approached the Bourne Bridge where I saw a group of people gathered at the foot of the bridge

The ‘70s is my favorite era for music, bar none, because so much good soul, funk and jazz was released…

Once, when I was a kid, I convinced my younger brother that a ladybug pooped on his shoulder. He was not amused. I should send him a link to this story to re-traumatize him. :)

Why did they position the poor little queen between those two giant mutants?

“...injured his left testicle trying to hit a high note

Filed to: yikes... did not know this was even possible.

There was something about this guy that always creeped me out. I can’t imagine finding him motivational in any way. My first instinct every time I’ve seen him over the years on television was to change the channel immediately.

If there was ever a doubt in one’s mind about whether or not the average law enforcement officer in the United States veers towards sociopathy, Commander Bannon has just put those doubts to rest.

Republicans, Men and Christians Aren’t Trying to Ban Abortions. White People Are

How to Make Your Weekends Seem to Last Longer