“... Hope that happens to me someday”
“... Hope that happens to me someday”
This is great news for the Bruce family, and I am honestly rather surprised that the state ultimately did the right thing. I read about this story a long while ago and was afraid that they would figure out a way to screw this family all over again.
I think what this demonstrates is that some black men have a kind of narcissism that only allows them to see themselves as victims. Black women’s abuse and suffering seemingly does not even register for them. A man in a position of power abuses black women and girls for decades and these men cannot even bring…
...just how much these women recoiled at the Haitian dinner crossed over into cultural insensitivity
Although I am generally not one to promote violence, I wish that just one time when Erika’s hisses and bares her teeth at someone that they’d grab that faux ponytail and dog walk her ass out into the street. I’m tired of seeing her over-the-top thuggish behavior towards people that she knows are too weak or…
...the obvious best choice is Steve Harvey.
Dorit attempts to come for Garcelle with bullying accusations, while her “Fox Force Five” buddies sit in silent solidarity. Meanwhile there are literal sizzle reels of Erika hissing and baring her teeth at cast mates with nary a word from that crew. Mean girl cliques are tiresome when they happen in high school,…
I’ll take “Karma is a dish served steaming hot” for $2000, Mike TBD...
Case in point, “Disco Demolition” night on July 12, 1979 at Chicago’s Comiskey Park. An absolute explosion of white male racist, homophobic rage.
Narcissism is a helluva a drug...
The style of dress was engineered…in the ‘80s by the French designer Herve Leger.
From a Suffolk County District Attorney press release of some of this cretin’s journals...
While Nichols’ co-hosts Richard Jefferson and Kendrick Perkins accepted her apology
I have to admit, after 15 months of being stuck in my apartment 24/7, this sounds very appealing.
The CNN host has gone from a passive, middle-of-the-road, “We’ve got to see both sides” kind of a guy...”
The thing I’ve always thought about Bethanny, is that she’s only really entertaining in small doses. As a sharp-tongued, often insightful and occasionally very funny antidote to the manufactured dysfunction of the Real Housewives, she worked. Full bore, 100% undiluted Bethanny however, is just too much. The…