
No, no, no, they’ll say the government can’t get anything done because they’re all corrupt, then they’ll vote for Trump again.

Sad Horse show was good.

Not to be a corporate defender, but Whole Foods pays pretty decently for basic service work. When I started there, the entry wage was $10/h. A few years later it increased to $12/h and everyone saw corresponding wage increase. Before I left, I believe the plan was to go to $15. Now, getting 40/h a week was difficult

Hi, I worked for Whole Foods for 8 years, including a couple in corporate position; I have friends that work at the store, regional and global levels. My friends at Global all tell me that the Amazon purchase was about two things; The name and the existing infrastructure. I’m sure they’d like WF to be more profitable

That is such fucking cherrypicking bullshit. Do you even understand the. nuances of that situation? Of course you don’t. You just want to use the tragic story of a child to prop up a broken system.

Putting Bari against Stephens out of the gate is a lose/lose situation.

When did you decide that boot licking isn’t for you?

According to Destiny Tracker, 811k people played yesterday. In a time of ever increasing options of things to do with your free time, having a dedicated player base of ~800k strikes me as pretty good.

Shut the fuck up incel.

Shut da fuck up.

She does a lot of Hallmark stuff and Christian movies; Work is work. Shrug emoji.

If you have Firefox and Adblock Plus, this is what I did to block the videos.

You mean vote for the nominee, even if we didn’t like them, like I fucking did? You mean not even remotely cost HRC the election?



Fuck China and fuck Xi Jinping.

I call bullshit on this whole story; no one has ever said Geoff Cameron is good at soccer.

Fuck Israel.

So obviously, I don’t feel good about having this guy on the team I was born into rooting for. I can’t believe that a woman would subject herself to the public scorn and ridicule that comes with accusing a famous athlete of sexual assault, all in service of a lie. That’s some serial killer logic.

Whenever I see a stream is being pirated off of DAZN, I know I’m in good hands.