
If you want your website to be more inclusive, shouldn’t you also take into account more conservative views?

The paragraph you’re referring to is written in the past tense. To that end, when Musk made the decision to give his workers that ultimatum he could not have known such a deal would be cut.


On the contrary, I was more than pleasantly surprised by a deeper, more personal article than what the title implied.

“completely fabricated events that never happened” is a weird thing to get mad about. You are aware the original game wasn’t a documentary, right? 

You know what I loved the most about that scene? The subtle implication that stormtroopers don’t actually have lousy aim, but are simply limited by crappy equipment issued by a faceless bureaucracy and built in bulk by the lowest-bidder. Like, you know, an actual military.

After feeling a little pummeled by RoS’ aggressive pacing, having an extended scene in the Mandalorian where two insouciant scout troopers just slouch and fuck around for an extended scene was a balm.

YOU’RE a bunch of arse.

More shoutouts to Marx and Engels are always a welcome thing in this day and age.

i actually know a decent amount about early renaissance art lmao what the hell is this neg


Break out the edible silver paint and flaming guitars!

Data ‘R’ Us.  Toys ‘R’ Someone Else.

So you MUST be talking about this part:

What about how the Title Screen changes and the main image expands to show that it was Lunafreya with her head on his Lap and that music change. Was quite beautiful. Im hoping 16 uses the same battle system.  But lets be honest, if you are in your mid 30s or later, you will probably be dead before a new Final

Just adding to the pile. PLAY TITANFALL 2'S CAMPAIGN. It is *amazing*. It is so absolutely good. If you haven’t played it, you have to.

Titanfall 2 is SO GOOD!  Enjoy, people.  Great game.

Titanall 2's campaign was the only game since Half-Life 2 to make me compare a games campaign to Half-Life 2. I loved it. 

Tf2 is insanely worth it. Campaign is fantastic and if you liked Apex’s gameplay, then the multiplayer is even better. Hopefully this boosts the player count a bit. I’ve also been slightly interested in those monster motocross games because look kind of fun but also budget title-ish

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.