
Oh yay! They’re great for kids because it’s easier to get them to slip on a bracelet than to hold still and be saturated in stinky spray.

I shouldn’t have but I laughed.

To paraphrase Bette Davis:

you know, it really isn’t nice to speak ill of the dead...

So basically, to get into U of T you have to be in the top 10% of your class, which she was not, or have an excellent extracurricular resume, which she did not. It’s amazing/alarming that this case still made it to SCOTUS.

It’s not usually a matter of not liking it, it’s if the wine has turned. That’s why they leave the cork. Corked wine (usually) means the wine oxidized through the cork, so you’d be able to see discoloration on the cork.


When you can no longer win, you’ve lost — whether or not it’s official. A football team down 932 points with 2 minutes left on the clock may not have officially lost until time is called, but they’ve still lost the game.

Your statement assumes that those evangelicals can themselves answer even the most rudimentary of theological questions.

she’s not concerned about the white male demographic - white males haven’t voted democratic since 1964.

But possibly “I already have your vote so I’m going to try for another demo with my pick.” Maybe?

I find it fucked up you can't crank it in a porn theater. Unamerican.

...type 1 kardashian civilization isn’t good enough...

Wow dude, way to help your argument. “teach the other skinnys.”

My comment is BEYOND littered with grammatical errors and you pick the comma as your hill to die on?

Go. Suk. Ya. Madda.

The other thing that gets me is that they say they need guns to take up arms against ‘the Tyranny of Government’, but anytime there IS any kind of protest about the government infringing on civil rights, conservatives are the first to call the protesters jobless thugs and cheer on the police using as much force as

It seems everybody’s focused on banning assault weapons.

Aren't you bored with this act yet? I'm honestly curious.

POTUS ended his speech with “praise for the spirit we [as Americans] see in Orlando.”