
My mom doesn’t really make jokes much, but man, my dad would make this joke in a heartbeat. He’s also a Hilary super fan so I’m sure he found this very cute, just like I did.


The NRA statement doesn’t even use Philandro Castile’s name. What a remarkable crock of shit.

LOL sit your hyperbolic and false equivalency creating ass down, bro.

You have to be kind of impressed that the backlash was strong enough that the NRA felt the need to acknowledge a black man being murdered by the police as a bad thing — despite the not-insignificant portion of their membership whose most cherished fantasy is using their arsenal to make America white again.

They actually worked together on this, and she’s been open about saying so - it’s actually a mark of a good, gracious politician to be willing to work with her competitors on creating a more inclusive platform. There are many fair points to criticize Clinton on, but I’m getting tired of the constant portrayal of her

Bernie was asking that the party change this aspect of the platform. Hillary listened and, eventually, agreed. Probably b/c her team figured out it might actually be feasible. Doesn’t seem particularly Orwellian.

Is that true? Because if so that’s an absolutely amazing obscure fact that I will try to work into everyday conversation on the regular.

You said:

I didn’t even know the word fusty existed but now I can’t wait to use it in a sentence.

I work at a planned parenthood in Fl that’s located in a strip mall and it’s beautiful on the inside. Also, it’s location has nothing to do with the quality of care provided inside its walls.

Hawkins worries that Trump might not be taking the nomination seriously.

Pokemon fans?

Yeah, I am sad that even Gawker is going to play the “GUYS IT IS SO CLOSE!!!” Game. Not surprised, just disappointed really.

Yes. They are against abortion but also against all the effective ways to reduce abortion.

That’s exactly what you should be doing, though.

yes, stoke the fires of competitive phone ownership. mwah-ha-ha

Whew. I’ll take my walled garden over your ghetto any day of the week.

Not funny for real. No way that’s true.