
I know exactly how you feel. I feel that way every time something horrible happens. I wish I had something to pray to, to believe in.

i really think it was a pre-scheduled tweet.

I think someone stayed up very late, drank a few too many cups of coffee, and then had the type of brilliant thought process known to people who pull all nighters and said,” I KNOW! I’LL WRITE LIKE I’M BACK IN A CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP WITH THAT HOT TEACHER WHO HAD A VANITY NOVEL PUBLISHED THAT ONE TIME!”

So you guys are trolling your own site now?

This is some bomb-ass kinja.

That was gross.

Nah, I can see how people don’t like them. They are very protective, and bond with only a few people, maybe even one person. So you see this person doting on this dog, and the dog pretty much hates or ignores everyone else. They are also very skittish, nervous and think they are bigger than they are, and attack things

Look at this. Tomatoface and Gurvinder teaming up. A first!

If you go through my discussions, yes. But if you go to the story they have all been deleted, or at least they were still deleted as of last Wednesday - the last time I checked.

I remember him. First off that madman was always naked. Always. He would be twirling around his cigarettes too and getting the smoke everywhere. I have no idea why he wore those shirts but I never saw anyone else wear them and can’t find them for purchase anywhere.

<sigh> It’s the receipt for docking fees at a yacht club. A “berth certificate.”

Romney 2016? I think the only precedent is like, Bobby Kennedy getting assassinated. The RNC would have to appoint someone, I think.

I think the long, long, long honeymoon Trump has had with the press may finally be coming to an end. I don’t know why they thought this would turn out to be any different from Trump University, but here we are.

Please tell me this was a poor attempt at sarcasm.

I give credit to Berlusconi for giving his parties such an outstanding, onomatopoeic name - “bunga bunga” clearly being the actual sound of old men’s flesh rubbing up against nubile prostitutes.

So leering shots of nearly naked women cavorting while dirty old men watch? (men depicted fully/mostly clothed of course) Combined with a few mild lines tut-tuting corruption so they can pretend they’re criticizing corruption rather than partaking of sexism? Maybe they can get Woody Allen to direct.

His paintings like his presidency disturbing and amateurish.

They need sunglasses from their own blinding whiteness.

I swear to God these Bernie Idiots are like fucking Nazis! Seriously they are exactly like the Hitler Youth. Let’s see, shall we?