
“Can’t wait to show this to that liberal bitch in my office who says I’m racist...”

Trying to figure out if you’re a blowhard talking crap he doesn’t understand or if you’d seriously pimp out your own family for 300K. Either way, you’re clearly a “YUGE WINNAR!”

Because that’s totally how it worked. Peyton showed her his penis, and then handed her a check for $300K.

Phi Siamma... frat boy? No wonder you’re on Peyton’s side. How many girls have you raped during a frat party?

Seriously? I love the two grammar nazis on this post. I would also love if either of you would explain to me which part you think (incorrectly) is wrong. Or is it that you’re just not familiar with the semi-colon?

I think it’s important to keep in mind that we are living in a very different political landscape than existed even twenty years ago, and Hillary Clinton has been in the political landscape for nearly forty. In that time, she has been unwavering in her commitment to poverty relief, children’s welfare, and women’s

Bernie has a clear, concise “we” message, even if it’s pie-in-the-sky: The game is rigged and we have to take the country back from the privileged few and make it work for everyone.

Nope. I screamed with glee and danced around. I highly recommend this article, which challenges the idea of “respect for the dead” when the dead are controversial political leaders.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you pick a nit!

W was reluctant to associate himself with his brother, because it might’ve tarnished his brand.

NYC, represent.

you sure are = )

Nerds do not frequent Gizmodo; geeks frequent Gizmodo. Nerds are dweebs.

“If you can’t see what’s making a noise, shoot it, and see if it makes a different noise.”

This may be the last time we have a president who knows exactly what he is doing.

Listen, I don’t think all people who dislike Clinton and/or prefer Sanders are misogynists. Hardly.

That is horrifying and I am glad he’s suffering now, may it be slow and public. These stories terrify me as a father, because all I can think of is “oh great, another situation where I’d end up in jail for murder”

“Steal” is a pejorative, so no. Getting a “Letter of Marque” - that is, a pirate’s license - probably comes the closest. #nerdlivesmatter

This is gonna be good...

Do we really still have to pretend Martin O’Malley is in the race? Can’t Debbie send him to a kiddie debate by himself and just let Bernie and Hillary go at it?