
Oh you poor victim, I take it you’re not familiar with the saying “work smarter not harder”

Don’t be a superficial dick. I’m pretty sure the OP’s actual point was that Iowa isn’t a valid representation of a cross section of the US.

They’re both populists so it shouldn’t be surpising


You................sound like...............a.................very...............................miserable...........................human......................being.

Careful, or the berners will hurl their feces at you for not embracing their planless messiah

“my bike has substandard equipment” is not really a good excuse. the mirrors on my dinky V-Star 250 are good enough to see what I need to behind me.

Kate, I always love reading Jezebel’s light-hearted posts when stressed out at work, but incredibly thorough, well-researched articles like this are what keeps me coming back.

YES YES YES YES YES. I’m so sick of these die-hard “Berns” that are putting the Dem party on track to be just as divided as the GOP. Every article I see posted that remotely praises Hil, even from her social accounts, is plagued with “FEEL THE BERNN” bullshit. They’re just as naive as he is if they think a) He would

I voted for Nader in 2000, so don’t give me this “critiques of Naderites” thing. I did so because (1) I live in California so it didn’t matter; (2) I was a young idiot; and (3) I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA SO IT DIDN’T MATTER.

Define “normal person.” (Seriously. Because I think Snowden really could use the info.)

A woman could make you feel guilty about whatever (not loving her, for example) and force you into having sex with her. She could also start jerking you off to make sure you’ll keep hard if you lose the erection. She could force a hand or blow job on you. I think these are scenarios that would constitute rape. Any

Senator Gillibrand! OMG, my feminist heart would burst!

About halfway through I started praying for the sweet release of death.

This is wonderful.

Ha ha! Perfect!!!

He’s Eeyore in sad politician form.

You’re forgetting that at least one in ten people are irretrievably stupid, and would vote for a dead squirrel on the side of the street if it was next to a sign that said “Support our Troops”.

As someone who has been sexually assaulted by a guy who really honestly did not intend to hurt me (but remember, people: intent is not magic), I actually think this is an important conversation to have. It doesn't absolve rapists, and it doesn't mean that what they did is OK by any means, but I think that