Kingsley Zissou

I’m a huge pho fan and I’ve tried making it a couple of times. My main takeaway from the experience is that it costs orders of magnitude more to make than to buy in a proper restaurant. Just get it from your favorite place and spend the money you saved on beer.

Kermit Washington could play any position on the floor back then.

That’s one way to blow a hundred.

more like pwndthornton

I bet it was that asshole Chad. Totally left them hanging.

So he’s going into the Hall as a Viking?

The most compelling element, for me, is simply that there are 36 tournaments in one year, in one state. for golfers 11 and under.

Am I the only one that wants to punch that face?

And watched some Thundercats cartoons. You know his favorite character?

Everyone just wants to be on the Dance Cam once in their life.

I would rather see KG and Steve Smith Sr.. I feel like Lewis just puts on theater while Smith has serious issues.

He thought that’s how aborigines celebrated hustle plays.

This story is the equivalent of a ‘bat signal’ for Rom Romberts. WILL HE ANSWER THE CALL?

1) I

Lance Stephenson while blowing in his face.

The correct way to commemorate Beamer is give out high fives while shouting “Gimme some skin!”

Absolut over Soli? Give me a MF’in break.

So he was Greenberg’s fall guy.

Can I say the you-googley at your funeral?